Monthly Archives: May 2016

“Wars and rumors of war” part four.

The defient had been dealt a harsh blow. Several stations were ok fire.several officers took fire supreson devices and exstinguised the flame.
The admiral got up. “Shields are at 47 percent! We stil have phasers ,photon and quntrum torpedoes!”kira reported. “Return fire!”the admiral ordered.
The defient fired a full volley of quntrum torpedoes at the dominion warship. The bridge of the hostel vessel  hit.
The aft station exploded. Several recognition were killed instantly.others were seriously injured. There was visible wounds.
The next volley struck near the engine rooom. The volley did not effect the engines. There were explosions nearby . several corridors were decimated.
“I want that ship destroyed! “The General insisted. Kirel knew Carlin well. She and him had been just coworkers . he was her superior at one tines. Now they were married. She knew him . she knew what he was thinking. She did not like what she felt this was leeding.
The General thought it over. The destruction of the defiant would become a rallying cry for the federation .the federation would tear up the treaty of deep space 9. The federation would probably strike the dominion in the gamma quadrant.while the federation alliance was bogged down in the  gamma quadrant the society could quietly gobble up the old zeravien empire.
“Place a protomatter device in a photon torpedo. Target the defiant!”the general said. Kirel was not a pacifist. She did not believe in aggressive warfare. This did not seam like a time to use a weapon of last resort.
“Vesel is back tracking!”neeley reported. “Brace for impact everyone. They are gearing up for a major strike. “The admiral admonished his crew.
The crew prepared the torpedo. The defiant took pot schots at the warship. The warship fired was a half hearted responce. It was designed to buy time for the crew to get the surprise ready to go.
“Our surprise is ready!”The gunner declared.”deploy it at once!”the general ordered.
The defiant hit the warship. It was a fairly significant hit. The warship fired the torpedo. “We have incoming! ” neeley reported. “Evasive action !”Ross ordered.
Nog drove the frigate in the opposite direction. He tried to take it as fast as he could.
“Oh my! This is not a conventional torpedo! It contains protomatter.”Bashir said.
If that torpedo detonated there was no way that the defiant would servive.
The dominion warship went to warp. It got as far away from the torpedo as possible. It did not look back.
The defiant went to maximum warp. If they fired on the  torpedo. It would detonate faster. The results would be the same. 
“Mr nog do you trust me?”admiral Ross asked the furengi. Nog had learned whenever a hu-Mon asked someone if they trusted them,that ment they we’re about to do something very risky. In a case like this,they really had no choice. “Yes sir. I believe I do!”the helm said.
The admiral explaned his was quite a whopper. Due to the situation it was the only plan that could potentially work.
The torpedo was detonated. The mustle exploded. The wake headed for The light vessel. The defiant fell back. The defiant flew into the center of the explosion.
The defiant was pushed back. Nog used the center of the wake to catapult the ship backwards.the ship was pushed back at high warp. The ship was flung out of the way.
The ship came to a full stop. The shock wave passed by I t kept going. The danger for the defiant and there crew had passed.
Starbase 381
Jake sisco was able to get abored one of the relief vessels heading for the site of the attack. The federation guaranteed the right of the press. Jake being the son of Benjamin sisco helped. He was granted permison to be embeded with a relief ship provided he stayed out of the way.
Jake was glad to get out. He found himself out of sorts sense his farther vanished. This was a major story. He would be on the front lines.
Jake was able to aconpony a team to the base. He saw a young officer stare into a wall. “Hi you ok?”Jake asked. It took her a few seconds to come around.
“Hi I think so. “She said .”I’m Jake sisco. I am with the federation news service!”he said. “Great a reporter!”Gabriela Fullerton commented. “Don’t worry I won’t print anything you don’t want me to. “He assured him.
“This took me by surprise. I thought the war was over!”she said “so did we all!” Jake said.
Jeros two
Jeros two was home to a Starfleet stokade. The planet had a warm climate. Some sections were warmer then orthers.
Karlita wore the Gray prison issue uniform.she was her work detail. She was told she had a visitor.
“Lt Reese!”she said .”it’s commander now!” he told her. “Oh I am sorry. I am not up on current events. “She said.
“It is current events that is why we are coming.”lt. Tyne said. “I am not really versed on current events these days lt. “She said. “The marques was all but wiped out by the dominion. Had the dominion not joined the Cardesien,the marques might have worn out the Cardesien and forced some kind of sate hood. “Reese said. “There is disagreement on that. That was one view. “She said.
“It is possible that someone in the marques is trying to reignite the war in order to either get revenge or divert attention so that they can restart the movement?”Reese asked.
“My colony is gone. Many of my close friends are dead. When I get out of hear,I don’t have a  clue  what I want to do when I get out. I don’t have any plans to get revenge!”she tried to assure them.
“Do you know anyone who might?” Tyne asked. “A few come to mind. My gues ! The man you want to look into is a guy named Jack torence . ” she said. “The former ambassador?” Reese asked.”he was quite a fire cracker. Where he was practically the face of the federation,we expected him to be a moderate. Not even close. He was a hawk even by our standards. “She told the two.
Planet earth
United federation of planets Paris
Office of the president.
“Mrm. President!”the karama said.”minister hanok it is good to see you!”the president arlon sejof a deltan said .”mr. President I have gotten to my sources inside the dominion. I got a response. It purports to be from odo. He claims  That the dominion was not responsible for the attack. “He said. “Do you believe him?”intergalactic security advisor tornek asked.”if it was actually odo,I would be inclined to believe him.I have no idea.”the kerima said.
An aid entered.”mr. President the defiant narrowly servived an engagement with a dominion warship. Sir! Some in star fleet are urging a formal deceleration of war against the dominion. Some want to lunch an attack on the dominion in the gamma quadrant. “The aid said.
“I want to meet with the head of star fleet and the top brass. I want an emergency season of the council. “The president said.
Star fleet security vessel j. Edger Hoover
“Look at this ! Jack torence former star fleet officer. Starship captain. Worked for several presidents. Was an ambassador. Resigned after the Cardesien treaty of 2270. Joined the marques. There are detailed records he saught protomatter weapons and other weapons of planetary destruction. No evidence he got any. After the attack after gul du kut joined the dominion his fate was unknown. “Tyne said. “Lets work our sources. Even rumors. I have a feeling he has gone underground. We have to fund them . ” the commander said.
Ki bartan
Oifice of Duran
“A paturn?”the commander asked.”yes Sir. Over the past forty years there have been a series of attacks on ship’s near the old zeravuen empire. The attacks were by different races. Gathers,orions,angosien,snserta and others. There is also ship’s once used by dead races stolen and used in attacks . I believe that someone is staging these attacks In a prelude to an invasion !”terra asked.
“Why?”suran asked. “My gues to revive the zaraviuen empire!”terms said. “That is obsued.”suran said.
She tried to talk to pro consul Hyren and preator neural. No one would talk to her. She decided there was only one place to go. Lt. Tyne.
End of part four.
Karlita was played by Shannon concern.her character appeared in “preemptive strike “and”defiant” She also played the Klingon sirela I “you are crodjualy invited” and romulon senator tulura in star trek nemesis.

Wars and rumors of wars part three

Medical ships started to arrive at the planet. Rescue operations began immediately. Teams. Beamed to the planet and the star base.
In orbit several ships assumed defensive stance around the planet this was just in case the dominion fleet returned.
U.s.s. defient
“I have located a dominion battle cruser! Sending coordinants to helm!”Kira reported. “I have it!”lt.nog reported. “Plot course and engage!” admiral Ross ordered. the course and speed was plotted and  engaged. The defient was off.
Dominion vessel
“The defient is heading right for us!”kirel reported. “Increase speed. Leta teach star fleet an important lesson. One they will never forget!” the colonel said.
Star base 385
The control room was shmbles.several stations were on fire. The ops center had almost completely fallen apart. commander rondon was injured but could stil perform his duties. The crew knew not to offer assistance. To do so was considered disrespect.
Lt. Gabriala Fulton felt for the commander.she knew about zaldan’s philosophy.she hated to see him suffer. It was how they did things.
There were multiple beams first fullerton feared that it was looked like federation transporter. Star fleet medical and engineering crew emerged in the ops center.
Dr. Kathrine palluski moved around the control room. “Rondon hoW could you allow yourself to be injured?”she asked. Rondon laughed. He always enjoyed bantering with Kate. She began to treat him. Her staf treated the orthers.
Star base 351
“Was the whole cease fire a rouse?”admiral cobern asked. “What are you talking about?”the founder asked. “A dominion fleet attacked star base 385 in the klasan syistom !”the admiral said. “We have no interest in the klasan syistom. I thought I would not be interrogated . I had the right against self incrimination.”the founder said.
“These could ne New charges. The war could be back on!”the admiral said. “What is this? An excuse to invade the gama quadrant. I thought it was illegal to invade another qudrent. “She said.
“Do you have information of an imminent attack on federation or allied holdings?” The admiral asked. “I have no knowledge of any operation. I made an agreement with odo. All of us as a link did. We would not break it!”the founder assured him.
“How do you explain this attack?”the admiral asked.”I cannot. The founders were not responsible!”the founder said.”what then a rougue unit?”he asked.”I can it speak to that witch I have no information on !”the founder said.
“You believe him?”his aid lt. Nicky Allen asked.”I am not sure. This seam under planed to be a dominion plot. They usually think six steps ahead. This is sloppy in comparison. More seat of your pants kind of stuf. “The admiral said.
Cardesia prime
Lt. Commander Reese and lt. Tyme took a scout ship to cardesia prime. The planet was a wreck.almost every Scotty every villege was devisated. Once a magnificent world was almost totally reduced to rubble.
Gull lemack looked over lucarian city. What was left of it. “Lemack it has been a long time!”Reese said. “Your a commander now. Seams like yesterday you were an ensign.”lemack said
“Look. During the dominion war there was a lot of trade between the dominion and cardesia!”Reese said
“You think we were behind the attack in the klasan syistom?”lemack asked “this seams possible. Your people staged an attack on a federation outpost in order to have us deal with your problem. You yourself tried to provoke an incident near menos corva!”Reese said.
“We are in no position to do anything of the short. Not to the federation. We have no dispute any more with the federation. “Lemack said.
“Your two enemies fight it out. Revenge!”tyme said.”is it possible a faction of the Cardesien union is involved. Mayby. We have no interest in the klasen system. During the end of the war there was a rumor that a dominion fleet vanished abd resurfaced near the klasen syistom. The founder and wuyon vihitmetly denied it.there was time to follow it up. ” lemack said.
“What if it was not the dominion. What if we are deeling with some one else. A third party a provokiter.”Reese suggested.”who?”tyme said. “Marques perhaps. Mayby an extreme faction wants revenge . “Reese said. “Lets look into it!”Justin said “let’s do it!”Reese said.
Planet Romulus
Sub commander terlva had been briefed on the situation in the klasen syistom. She found the situation odd.
She did some analyses.”computer scan archives form the last forty years. Search for theft of ship,unknown attacks !”she said. The computer began the scan.
She attended a staf meeting. “Sir may I ask a question,”she asked.”procede!”commander suran asked. “If the dominion war is resumemed ,will the empire rejoin the war?” terlva asked.”the preator is considering it. He is not revealing his intentions at least not to me!”commander suran said.
After the meeting she checked the computer.the computer had completed the scan. She looked over it. She annalized it closely. She saw a paturn. A disturbing duscovery would have to be reported.


“We will be in fireing range in ten minutes!”Keira reported. “Have all weapons standing by!”the admiral ordered. “You got it sir!”Keira said.
Dominion vessel
Sick bay.
“I have been feeling a bit Ill. I do not understand it!”kirel said.the doctor took out a recorder. He scanned her. He did some extensive scans. “I know what is going on!”the doctor said. “What is it?” she asked.
“You are pregnant!”the doctor reported. “Oh I had no idea! “Kirel said. “I have confirmed it. “He told her. “I never saw you as a type that work settle down.”he said. “Nor have I !”kirel declared .
“All officers to the bridge. We are almost in weapons range!” Caitlin said. “Duty calls. May I go?”she asked. He nodes yes. “I will want to see you frequently !”he said. She agreed.
The dominion vessel was the first to open fire on the defient. The defient fired quntrum torpedoes on the warship. On the admiral’s order Kira at weapons returned fire.
The vessel was hit. The defient hit both sections and the middle. The warship fired back.
Several decks were hit. Several decks had to be sealed off. There were multiple fires.damage control parties put out those fires.
The defient hit back on the warship. The defient had inflicted some damage. “You will try a lot harder!”Caitlin ordered.
The dominion vessel fired on the bridge. The bridge exploded. Admiral Ross barely dodged impact. He servived.
An aft officer was killed. Kira made it to safety. As had Bashir and ezri. Nog’s post was unaffected.the defient was not done yet. The batle was stil going on.
End of part three.
Admiral cobern appeared in ds9 episode “favor the bold” he gave the go ahead to attempt to retake ds9.
Dr. Palauski was Dr. Crusher’s replacement in season two of t.n.g.
Commander suran was a high ranking romulan officer In star trek nemesis.

“Wars and rumors or wars” part two

Deep space 9
“Personal. Log,in a  of  seconds everything has changed.”admiral William j Ross said in his log.
“Although the Breen joining the war on the side of the dominion breathed New life into the dominion’s war effort, the momentum was short lived. The cardesien led by danner switched sides. The federation alliance took advantage of an oversight in there defenses and exploited it. Afte a ling devusating struggle with heavy loses on all sides the war is finally over”
“Just as the treaty is formerly signed.captain Benjamin sisco is gone. His run about recovered.there is no sign of him. It seams that for now he is gone. For how long I have no idea. ”
“The bajorens believe that he has gone to the phopthets. I have no idea what to believe. I do know I will miss captain sisco. I will miss his wise consil and his leadership. ”
Ward room
“You really think he is part prophet and went to be with them ?”admiral Ross asked. “You don’t believe that?”colonel kira asked.”ok I know there are non coperial aliens who reside in the wormhole ! Mayby he has caries a part of them. It is a wallop!”Ross said.
“Admiral I saw him. “Kaydidy Cisco’s pregnant wife said. “He contacted you?” Ross asked. “Yes he said that his task was complete
He now needed to study. He would return one day but I don’t know when !”kasidy said.
  A chime was heard. “Ops to admiral Ross!”lt.nog said.he taped on his com badge.”go ahead lautannent!”Ross ordered.”sir star base 394 is under attack. They claim it is the dominion. “Nog said.
“Have you confirmed that they are under attack?”the admiral said.”it us not a false alarm !this is real!”nog said.
“Gas up the defient! I want to get there right away. “The admiral said.”right away sir!” the furegi said. “Care to come to colonel!”Ross asked. “You got it sir!”she said.
U.s.s defient -A
The admiral and colonel kira and lt.nog entered the bridge.”the ship is ready at your command sir!”crewman Stevens said.
“Very good!”the admiral said the admiral Sat down at the command chair.”ops has cleared us!”lt. Ezri dax reported.”mornings cleared !”DR.Bashir said.the smal war ship cleared the base.
“We are clear!”nog announced.”plot course for the star base! Maximum warp!”Ross ordered. the ship went to warp.
The faux dominion fleet fired multiple volleys at the station. The primary phaser bank was destroyed.the photon torpedo banks was knocked off line.
Several decks were levelled.the roofs on some decks caved of the officers clubs on the base was devastated. 
The docking bay was saverly damaged.the mission of the general was not to destroy the base or to occupy the area. Its as only yo destabolize the sector.
The ‘dominion’ fleet then fired on the planet. They hit Several command and control centers on the planet.
The fleet then moved out. The fleet had done plenty of damage.they were not done yet. The Carnegie had just begun.
U.s.s defient
Mess hall
“The treaty was barely signed and the war is back on!”ensign nearly commented.”we should not jump to conclusions!”nog said.”the dominion cannot be trusted!”Stevens said. “It makes no sense. The dominion have no teratory in the alpha qudrent.this seams rushed .the dominion think long term. We are missing something!”ezri said.
“What if this is a prelude to a scorched earth syinerio?”Stevens said .”look our mission is to stop further agree on and to figure this out. That’s all. Save the speculation for later!”ezri said. They agreed.
Star fleet security
Lt. Commander Reese entered.”what are you Justin?”Reese asked.”I am trying to send flowers to Romulus! “He said.”look you and sub commander turelia. It is not going to work.”he said.”I think it could. “Justin said.
“Does she like flowers?” Reese asked.”yes she does! We have talked about it!”he said.”of course you have. I did not know flowers came in Gray!”Reese said. “Funy!” Justin said.
“Hey commander,there have been reports of hushnuck warship near enemede!”an ensign said.”really? We are not even sure what there ships look like. Keven oukbridge could have just created them out of thin air!”Reese said.
“The colony insist that it was hushnuck!”the ensign said.” do we have a ship near by that can check it out. Man I hope the romulin asle band goes back into effect!”Reese said.”do you blame everything on Romulus asle?” Justin said. “Prety much!”Reese answered.
The door opened,admiral Owen Paris entered.everyone snapped to attention. “As you were! “He said.
“You don’t look happy sir”Justin said.”I am not commander tyme. A dominion task force hit star base 395. “The admiral said.
“The cease fire is nearly a week old.”Reese said. “We are going to questione the founder. We are on high alert!”Paris said.
“Until further notice the war intelligence unit has been reactivated. We will work on war intelligence. “Commander poles said. “Understood!”resse said.
“I need your sources. Rumors innuendo anything. Even that carima minister that defected. Ha ok get answers yesterday!”the admiral said.
U.s s defient
“I have the base on sensors! ” ezri reported. “On screen!” the admiral ordered. On the view screen displayed the image of the starbase.everyone was astonished. ” relief ships are hear.our mission is to find that fleet!”Ross said.”scanning now!”zero said.
The admiral was not a patient man.he knew he had to be. This was the time for being level headed.he tried to maintain his composure. It was not easy.
Dominion vessel
“Sir! The defient is in the area!”kirel said. “Good! I want to set a trap for them. I do not want to send the whole fleet! I will deal with them. “Catlin said. The bridge crew agreed.
End of part two
I am a big fan of the poket book post ds9 and post nemesis books there is no way to syink the society series with the poker book novels. I am not going to use any characters from the memory beta universe although I would like to.
Lt. Commander resse was the right hand man of chief of security Michael Eddington.he appeared in the episode “for the cause” .he seemed to have taken over for Eddington after he defected to the marques. He never was seen again .
Ensign Neely was an ensign that was a survivor of the jemheder ship that crashed in “rocks and shols “towards the begining of the dominion war when ds9 was stlil in dominion control.
Stevens was a non com enginer who appeared in starship down.

“Wars and rumors and wars”

Star trek the society
Star trek deep space 9.
“Wars and rumors of war”
From 2374 to 2375,the United federation of planets and the Klingon empire was at war with the dominion and there Cardesien alies.towards the end of the war,the Breen joined the war on the side of the dominion”
Near klasen syisyom
Dominion fleet
The jemheder manning the sensors steamed very disturbed.”report!”the vorta in charge ordered. “The Sensor data is gone! There is no alies federation fleet!”the jemheder sansor officer said.
“How is that possible? You assured me that that was a federation alliance fleet was assembling in the klasan syisyom?” the vorta supervisor said.
The jemheder at the Sansors was very nervous. Jemheder have been schot by vortas for far worse. “I do not know what happened. The Sansors are functional !”the sansor tech said.
“We have incoming!”the sansor tech reported. “Is it the fleet?”the vorta asked.”negative. Unknown fleet!”the sansor tech announced.
The unknown fleet fired on the dominion fleet. The weapons were not designed to harm the ships. They were designed to hurt the crew.
The beam was a delivery syisyom for a virus. The virus knocked out the crew. There was a transporter beam.
“It worked!”colonel  kirel said. “Of course it did. We have been carefly planing this for some time! “General catlin said.
“Please tell me we can have chairs beamed in!”a solider named ilsov said. “It is not a priority!”the general said. “Of course!”ilsov said.
Once the beatified had gained total control of the dominion fleet,the society fleet began attacking ships and bases and planet near the klasan syisyom.
They were softening up the region. Preparing the area for a bigger strike.  They were making it look it was the Dominion behind it.
On the bridge general catlin and the bridge crew watched as the u.s.s degaul exploded. This was a smal victory . for the general and his crew,it was the beginning of the rise for there group.
“Sir! “The com tech said. “Report!”the general said. “There are multiple news reports from multiple sauces that the dominion have surrendered. Reports are that a formal surrender will take place on deep space 9!” the com tech said.
“No! This is not possible! This cannot be happening! We need the war to go on at least for a few more weeks if not months!” catlin declared.
“Sir! Incoming message from the grand master!”the com officer said.the general had it transfered it to his view screen on his head. “Go ahead excelentcy!” the general said. ” I urged you not to delay the attack ! You should have started the operation during the early days of the war as I insisted. You did not listen! Now the entire operation is colapsing !”the society top leader declared.
“Excellency! We can still pull This off! The dominion war is over but we can still work! I suspected something like this might occur. “The general said.
“Look your Borg gambit turned into a total disaster ! Now This plan appears to be failing apart. Why should I not have releved of duty and have you replaced?”the grand elder asked.
“This plan is going well! We have already delt a serious blow to this reigon.we can pull this off. Let me keep going!”the general pleaded.
The grand master thought it over. “This is Your last chance catlin! If you fail this Time you will be relieved off duties .our task is too important. We have sacrificed too much. We are so close. Do not fail us ! This is your last chance general!”the grand master said.
“I understand excellency! I will not fail you !”the general informed the highest official in the society.
“From the cosmos to the tinest atom all is beatified!”the supreme leader said. “Joy to those who embrace the beatified!”he said.the screen faded.
The general deactivated the headpeace. “I convinced the grand elder to let us restart the project to reclaim the old zeravian expense. Lets get it done!”the general said.
Star base 394
Ops center
” the com syisyom seams to be non functional!”lt.Gabriela fuliton . “Is it a mechanical issue?” station commander rondon asked. “I just completed a diagnostic on the com syisyom an hour ago!  The com tech said.
“See if you can get it working!”the station commander ordered. While the tech was working on the com syisyom. Then what appeared to be a Dominion task force fired on the base.
End of part one.
Rondon was a webed ensign who appeared at the relics base in “comming of age”.

Sphere of influence part seven.

Borg cube
Colonel catlin oversaw the repairs of the cube. The crew was able to access the ship repairs. They had to manually reactivate the Borg regeneration process.
The cube could be seen regenerating. Once the process began,it went at a very rapid paste.before anyone knew it ,the ship would be ready for action. Carlin was eiger to restart the operation.
Borg cube
“Colnel the ship is now at a hundred percent! “Major kirel informed him. “Very good! The enterprise will persue us. We cannot be detered. The time is now. We must not shy away from this sacred task. “Catlin said.
“We will not. We have all pledge to do this duty with every fiber of our being. ” kirel informed him.
“I know that. Set course for the nelric system. Hear we go!”the colonel said .
“The beginning of the reign of the beatufied. Now we get to do things the right way. Out with the old. In with the gloarias new. The universe has shined the light and it will never be extinguished. Glory be the light and those who receive it!”kirel said.
“Glory be the light!”Catlin said.
“Commander rycer Is awake. It will take a while for him to recover. He will be ok. “Bevily said “I am glad to hear it Doctor!”Picard told her.
“Captain I beleve I have found information on colonel Catlin.”data said “what do you have commander?”Picard asked.
“Colonel Catlin served in the zeravien armed forces. He did rise to the rank of leftenent colonel before he was forced to retire. “Data reported.
“Why was he forced out?”Deana asked. “Uncertin. Rumors was that he was indirectly involved in a corps agents the chancellor president of zeravia . it was never substantiated. He was stil honoured. Catlin was involved with murcinaries, Orion syinducate and fighting with pro Cardesian  militia. He vanished from the scene several years ago. This is his first sighting since fighting with the gathers. “Data reported.
  “It seams our colonel is trying to set up a new galactic order. “Picard said. “Odd he has gone from a soldier for hire to a man on a mison!”bev commented. “It could have any number of causes. All I know that he has to be stoped and I assure you he will !”Picard declared.
Nelric system
The conduit opened up. The fully operational fully powered cube came out of the conduit. The vessel neared the Hunter maelstrom.
“Now in position !”kirel said. The enterprise came in . the ship fired everything it had. It fired phaser and photon torpedoes. The ship was struck from all sides.
“Ignore that ship! Procede with the mission!”the colonel ordered. The ship let the shields fight the enemy. The ship focused on the task at hand. Once the maelstrom exploded nothing would matter. A new era would begin.
“They have not returned fire!”worf reported.”I sense determination. “Deana said. “If that ship detonated itself from there position it would take out most of this syistom!”data said.”suicide mission!”bev remarked.
Picard got to thinking. He had to think fast. Time was quickly running out. There had to be a solution quickly.after fast thinking Picard had an idea. It was risky but it could would. He would try it.
Data transferred all on essential power to the tractor beam and shields. This was probably one of Picard strangest ideas. This was not ordinary ocurence. This required unconventional thinking this did count.
The enterprise tried to activate a tractor beam. The ship went to warp. The Borg cube chaffed against the weight of the beam. The cube fired.
The enterprise was hit from multiple sides. The shields were holding.
“We can’t keep this up forever!” alenbeam reported. “I am well aware of that ensign.”Picard said.
The cube tried to Go to warp in the opposite direction. The enterprise tried to hold on to the orther ship.
The cube tried to get away. The enterprise tried to stop that from happening. The Borg cube fired.the deflector dish wash it.the explosion spread to various part of the ship.
“Shieds strength has been drained slightly!”worf reported. “It Will continue to happen !”gordi said.
The cube fired again. It fired on the beam. It got free. The cube then hit the enterprise.
“Vessel has resumed course for the maelstrom !”data reported. “Pursuit!”Picard said . the enterprise followed the cube. “We are being hailed !”worf said. “On screen !”Picard said.
“Captain Picard! Your reputation is well known and it seems well deserved. “As is yours colonel !”Picard said.
“Captain ! This could end now.I will spare this sector if the federation agries to cede old space that belonged to the former zeravien empire.”The colonel declared .
“You must know I Wil never agree to that!”Picard said.”I did not expext you but I hoped maybe you would be reasonable. I am not surprised that you are not. “The colonel declared.
The screen faided. “The vessel had resumed course for the maelstrom.the enterprise fired on the cube.
“No affect!”worf announced. Picard was not surprised. “Mr. Worf collision course!”he ordered. The enterprise headed towards the cube. It headed for it at high warp.
Picard hated to go out like this. He saw no other alternative. The destruction of this sector would cripple the federation. Not only could the society take advantage of this but so could any number of other world’s.
The romulons for example. The tholiens,horn,any number of other species.the Klingon empire was currently leaderless. Gowlron was the hair apearent but this could give factions opposed to the federation the push they nedded to seize power and strike the federation. Then there was the actual Borg. This had to be stoped hear and now,Picard would be one way or another.
The enterprise was about to slam into the cube. Sudenly  they were caught in some kind of wake.the enterprise was pushed out of the way.
A conduit opened up,a Borg cube excited the conduit. The massive ship fired on the other cube. The massive conclusive charge cut though the ship like a butter knife. The vessel was sliced in half. The. The vessel then exploded.
The Borg vessel steamed to move towards them. Picard thought to himself,”out of the frying pan into the fire”. He did not say it out loud.
The vessel seemed to come at them. Then the cube went back into the conduet. “The vessel is gone!”worf said.
“Captain log,star fleet command believes that with the destruction of the Borg cube,for now the threat from the society is over. Star fleet believes they will probably go underground at least for a time. Will they resurface later is for now not known.”
“On another note, I don’t know why the Borg did not go after us. I suspect after what occured on earth earlier thus year they are evaluating what to do in regards to us. I beleve we have not seen the last of the Borg. Not by a long shot. I am not sure we have seen the last of the society either”
“I heard you did good!”will said. “I learned from the best sir! Gordi said. Will chuckled. “I knew you had it in you !”he said
“Part of me wishes we could have gotten our hands on there technology. “Gordi said.”it was probably for the best we did not!”he said “it probably was!”Gordi agreed.
The colonel had serviced the destruction of the rougye cube.he and several brothers got to an escape pod. The colonel had been injured. His face showed signs if radiation.
“The Breen have joined the war on the side of the dominion. This has strained the already tenuous alience between The Cardesian and The dominion. “Kirel said.
“We have to move quickly! ” Catlin said.”agreed!”she said.
The end
Next up
With the dominion war over,the society decides to take advantage of the chaos and lunches an attack of space they claim.


Sphere of influence part six

The enterprise entered the area. The enterprise spared no time.the enterprise immediately fired on the Borg cube.
The colonel watched the battle with interest. Jean luc Picard was a name that was known throughout the galaxy. Picard had climb though the ranks at a fairly rapid pace. He had began as very unremarkable. He was one officer out if Manny.
Even after becoming a rising star inside star fleet, he still had not had a reputation in the non aligned sectors . that quickly changed. His encounters with the furengi,the angosians,the anserta and now the Borg.
The colonel had been fully briefed on Jean luc Picard. He knew he might encounter Picard on this mission.a part of him hoped he would.
The Borg cube fired on the enterprise. “Shields are down to 20 percent!” Gleason reported. “Reroute non essential powers to shields. “Picard ordered. The power was transfered. The enterprise was hit before the transfer could be completed.
“The transfer was unsucesful!”ensign Kenny lyin reported. “Dawn it! “Picard said “shields at 10 percent!”Gleason reported. “I would advise against attempting to transfer shields ! Data said .”agreed !”Picard said.
The enterprise fired on the Borg cube with a massive volley of phaser and photon torpedoes. The projectiles struck the massive starship.
  “They are no match for us! They must know that. We have there people! Perhaps this Picard is just foolish!”Caitlin proclaimed. “Foolish or desperate!” major kirrel said.
“I recommend we withdraw captain.without shields we will never hope to hold out against them!”Gleason reported.
“No we stop now,they go back into that conduet. We will have no hope of catching up with them. We lose them,the entire federation is vanersble!”Picard exclaimed.
“Captain I may have an alternative!”data said. “Explane!”Picard ordered. “I believe I can create a hyper sonic burst that might temporarily disable there shields. It will be on a short time but perhaps long enough. “Data explained.
“Do it!”Picard ordered. The enterprise hit the ship from several angles. They tried to avoid the hits from the Borg vessel. Ensign alenbeam got a clear view of what it was like to be a starship helm officer. It was not easy. It could be rewarding.
Data thought differentially then the rest of the crew. He saw things anyilitically. Everything was seen though a positive and negative point of view. He accepted that impossible excited. It was the last step not the first. Data exhausted any avenue before accepting defeat. That made him a crucial part of the crew. 
Data was able to generate the burst. “Everything is set up. Standing by on your orders!”data reported. “Mr. Gleason ready all weapons!”Picard ordered. “Ready!”Gleason announced. “Make it happen data!”Picard ordered. Data activated the burst.the burst overpowerd the Borg shield grid. The enterprise quickly followed up with phaser and photon torpedoes. The enterprise did not give them time to adapt. Picard hoped that without the link to the collective,it would be unable to regenerate.
The enterprise hit again and again.the cube fired back. The enterprise dodged the impact. The child’s nichelle were hit.
Inside the cube,the battle between the away team and the asuslt team continued. The asuslt team advanced on the star fleet team.
Gordi was determined to protect his team. Gordi. Aimed his phaser at the control panel. The panel exploded. The energy hit the leader of the a sit team.the explosion spread to Gordi.
Gordi fell to the ground. Gordi was rendered uncnscious. He woke up somewhere else. He had no idea where. He saw what looked like a white room. He had no idea what it ment.
He saw images. They we’re going to fast. They came at him all at once.he had no clue what they ment. He felt overwhelmed. It made no sense.
He tried to absorb all of the Information. Finally it all slowed down. Gordi started to wake up.
“Commander! Commander laforge !”ensign pavlic pleaded with the commander to wake up. “The battle!”he said. “We were able to fall back to a safe position. The crew of this ship are more concerned with the ship wide battle. “She said. “We are safe for the moment  !”baur said.
“My mind was merged with the leader of the asuslt force. I think I know what this is all about!” Gordi said.
The enterprise had inflicted considerable damage on the Borg cube. The cube crew had to deal with th multiple fires and damage throughout the ship.
“Is there a nebula near by. A place where we could use as a safe harbor ?”Picard asked. “There is the erebor nebula!”data reported. “Picard to transporter room 2. I am going to lower the shields fora few seconds. See if you can get a lock!”Picard said.”aye sir!”obrian said.
The shields were down. Obrian activated the beam. The away team were beamed away. “They are a bored! Obrian announced. “Go ensign!”Picard ordered.
The enterprise went to warp. The Borg cube kept perusing. Gleason fired at soft spots on the cube. The enterprise got closer to the nebula. Picard hoped that they would not follow them into the nebula.
“Entering nebula now!”alenbeam reported. “We are inside!” the ops officer announced. “The vessel is moving off!”Gleason said. “They will be back. They will lick there wounds and swoop back in.we will be ready for them!”Picard said.
“How are you feeling Mr. Laforge?”Picard asked. “Like a super nova fell on me!”he said. “I thought as much! ” Picard said.
“I have much to tell you sir. I was linked to the leader of the asuslt team. I saw things,images. It was all a jumble but I have bean able to make sense of most of it!”Gordi said.
“Say on! “Picard instructed. “In the past there were a series of empires. Many rose and fall . some fell to super novas,others to conquest . “Gordi said.
“Historiens refer to it as the age of empires.”data said. “The last big intergalactic power was the zuravien empire. When it fell there was a group of interlecuals from many worlds who became disturbed by the fact that unlike the previous times,there was no empire in the waiting. There was a huge vacume that did not appear to be filled this time. “Gordi said.
“A group from many worlds formed a secret society based on philosophy but also mystism as well. They go by Manny names. The society the beatified “Gordi said.
“Yes! “Picard said. “You recognize this name? “Bevily asked. “A faction of this particular organization plotted to stop the federation at its very inception. A hundred years later they tried to ster up tensions between corridor. And the andorians. “Picard said.
“Colnel catlin the man who appears to be the commander is zuravuen. I believe this operation is part of the society. “Gordi said.
“To what end? Why steal a Borg cube? “Bevily asked.”the area around the nelric system was part of the zuravien empire. Perhaps they wanted to soften us up. Make the area ripe for conquest. ” data remarked.
“If they are concerned about power vacume,the federation has provided stability. With the peace treaty with the Klingon the galaxy has become more stable. There plan Is no longer nesisary!”bev said.
“They believe there order is the only real solution!”Gordi said. “Its a very old story! “Picard said. “This was only the beginning. Unless we can stop it now!” Gordi said.
“I think I have figured it out. “Pavlic reported. “What do you got?” Picard asked. “They call it the Hunter maelstrom . it is a turbulent aream. It is also a sight to see. I beleve that the society plans to pilot the Borg cube into the malestrome. “Pavlic said .
“If that happened the nelric syistom would be incinerated. The whole region will be u uninhabitable!”data announced.
“The federation would pull out. The old zeravien anex would be ripe for conquest. “Gordi said. “The ship will repair itself. Then they will resume the operation. Then so must we!”Picard declared.
To be concluded.

Sphere of influence part five

“Captain’s log,the enterprise responded to a distress call from a colony under attack by the Borg. Upon battling the ship,we came to suspect that the cube was not in control by the Borg. We were able to secure the ship  temporarily.”

“Unfortunately the team we sent became trapped on the cube.then the cube escaped. Now the cube is gone.  Now I have decided to emplore a less then orthodox methods to locate the cube. ”
Dr. Crusher walked over to counselor troy. “I really don’t like this ! “Dr. Cruser told Deana. “Your concerned about the captain’s recent behavior?”Deana asked.
“He has not had to deal with the Borg sence the earth attack. In many ways he went back to being the same old captain Picard. It was like it never happened. I am worried about him Deana. Its more then that!”bevily told her.
“I know! I share your concerns . “Deana told her. “This reminds me of that mission during the first year of operation. That creature took over him. “Bev said. “Yes at the sane time when we had the selay and antican delegation. “Deana said. “This is worse Deana! After we beamed Picard back,it was over. This will be with him a long time. Realy with us all! “Bev told her.
“Yes it seams it will!”Deana said. “Can He realistically stil command? During the normal course of events he is fine. We are bound to come into contact with the Borg again. If we are thinking this I have to think that star fleet is thinking it to!”Bev said.
The counselor did not want to say much but she knew that the doctor was correct. Both knew that like the mission with the cloud,they might have to relieve Picard if duty.unlike that mission it might be more permanent.
The two entered the science lab. Odd Deana thought to herself.the last time they had been to this room was when Picard was a Borg.
“Is everything set up?”Picard asked. “Yes. Alysa will be monitoring you the whole time!”Dr. Crusher said. “Are you sure about this?”Deana asked. “I have no choice counselor. “He said.
He was hooked up to the computer. Data would serve as a conduet much as he had before. When everything was in place ,Picard gave the go ahead to procede. Right or wrong they did it.
Everything got dark. Picard saw a black void. Then he saw stars. He saw the open space. He realized he could move around. He could move though space. He began to move around.
On the screen the crew in the lab saw what he saw. Deana could sence his feelings. At first he did know what was going on. Then he remembered. Ogara kept monitor him.
Picard steamed to be able to traval at warp. He saw what looked like the great energy barrier. He stoped. He went inside.
Deana Sensed an intensity. What was going on. Was this all in his mind? Could the Borg be reaching out to him? Had they all this time?
Picard saw the galaxy. He saw thousand perhaps millions of worlds. First close up.then it became all a jumble.
He saw Borg vessels. Smal big medium size. The Borg fleet was more immense then anyone thought. This was fascinating but this was not his mission.
He needed to find that one cube.he had to save commander rycer and the team on the cube.
He had to find the cube. He focused on it. He was not sure how. He knew it was out there. It was taunting him. It was daring him to come looking for him.
There it was. He found it. He hoped data could process the information.he hoped that Data could record the coordinates and they could catch up with the rougue cube.
Data got the coordinates.He had it copied. He sent it to the bridge. “I have the coordinants commander!”alembeam said “set course at once!” data ordered.
The ensign plotted the course. She then activated the course. “Course plotted and engaged commander!”the ensign reported. The enterprise went to warp.
Deana wondered. Was it best for orders to come this way. Mayby this would work out. The cube had to be stoped. The away team had to be retreved. Was this the best way? Deana had her doubts. She would not say anything at least for now. She hoped she would not have to take action. She did not want to have to end such s celebrated carer. Maybe it would not come to that.
“Bring him out of it data!”Dr. Crusher ordered. “I am attempting to doctor!”the android said. “Try harder data! “Dr.Crusher admonished him.
The android tried everything he knew to revive him. Something was fighting him. Something or someone. Could it be the Borg collective. Sudenly he found a way. The two came to.
“Did you get it?”Picard asked.”indeed we did. We are on Course. “Data said. “Very good!”Picard said. “We could have lost it. I am not sure this was a necessary risk! Dr. Crusher said. “Discussion for another Time!”Picard said. Dr. Crusher decided to drop it for now. She would bring it up later. When the crises was over. ”

Borg cube
“Engineering log,commander rycer continues to be unconscious. Our team is atemtpting to gain access to the cube. At the same time we have to stay alert. We have to fortify our position.
“The ship has somehow been saverd from the collective . the nodes are in place but inactive!”Larson reported. ” there woud have had to have been  Substantial power failure for that to have accrued!” Barclay said.
“Can we reroute power hear and keep the rest of the ship from getting power ?” Gordi said. “It is possible but it will take time. “Lt. Larson said.
“Alright! Get on it! I don’t want it to be our only focus but I do want to work on it. It could be the key to this. “Gordi said
“It is odd. This does not seam to be from one race but multiple races. “Bauer said. “I saw that myself. The colonel is zuravien. The zuraviens were once a regional power!” Gordi said.
“You think that this is some kind of attempt to revive the zeravian empire?” worf asked. “Mayby! While this is all very interesting,our goal is to stop the boarding party and get out of hear alive!”Gordi said. The crew agreed.
“They are trying to tap into the ship’s power!” the major said. “They are trying to overpower the ship or keep us out. Perhaps both! “The colonel said.
“We should attempt to storm there section!”major urktell said. “It is risky. We don’t totally have a handle on this ship! We are still deeling with something we know nothing about. We should have waited before attempting this operation. “The female major said.
“We can’t argue about that now. We did this. We can’t go back now. I believe we can turn this around. Once we stop the enterprise team,we can get back on tract. “Catlin said.
The major was not so sure. She considered that the plan had fallen apart to a point beyond the chance. Of recovery .she feared that the colonel would not change course. He would be committed no matter the possibility of rather or not It could work or not.
The marine unit moved out. They planted a kind of granade. The granade was designed to take out shields or force fields. The granade went off. The unit moved out.
The unit was able to get close to the star fleet encampment.”they are coming our way!”worf reported. “Look alive people!” Gordi ordered.
Everyone had there phasers ready.some had hand chasers.others had phaser rifles. The forces loyal to Catlin got pass the defences. Star fleet opened fire on the marines.
The marines determined fire. The fire fight was fearce.both sides battled the other side. They tried to overpower the orther.
Gordi knew that if they fell, the colonel would have no obstacle.he could use the borg vessel as a weapon. A weapon he would have no moral qalm using.he had to be stoped .Gordi knew that it was up to him and his team. It would not be easy.
“We have incoming!” an officer said. The colonel knew who it was. It was the enterprise. The battle he knew was coming. The battle He was looking forward to. He would never admit.
“Weapons on stand by!”Gleason reported. “Hear we go !”Picard said.the enterprise neared the cube.the battle was about to begin. End of part five .