Legend of zarkan the conclusion. 

U.s.s frontier 

“Sir the vesels have stand down.there shields and screens are off line. “Steve reported. “We will send bording party over. I want to sicure those ships as soon as we can. ” warren said.

“Sir. I cant locate one of the ships in the fleet.  The vessel was a tanker. It was not carying fuel. It seemed to have been converted into a cargo hauler. ” ilisia said. 

“Oh no! Try to locate that ship. Suspect it is a doomsday ship. My gues is that this was designed as a weapon of last  resort.  A sorched earth gambit.  I take zarkan for a sore loser!” warren said.

Ilisia went though the sensor logs. “Dawn it. That vessel used transwarp beeming. “Ilisia said. “I am not sure who to be mad at. Kahn or scoty?”warren said. 

“Can you ascertain where they went?”steve asked. “Attempting to steve. “Ilisia said. Ilisia was impatcient. She was known to be iretible especially when she was under pressure.  

“Oh no! They are right above new vulcan. ” ilisia reported.” crap! Of course they are. Go to maximum acceleration.  “Warren said. “Aye sir.”oneil said.

Oniel was a bit reluctent. He knew he had no chioce. The destruction of vulcan was crusing emough.if new vulcan fell,the vulcan society might never recover. 

Oneil diverted every non esential power to the engines. He set the ship to maximum warp. Then he presed the engines engage buton.the ship went to warp. The ship went as fast as it could. 

“The frontier has gone to maximum warp. They have devored every last power they could think off. “Zordol said .

“Mantain course! “Zarkan ordered. The ship tried to ignore the frontier.the ship kept heading for new vulcan. 

“Ship is stil on course. ” ilisia anounced. “Come on come on. We have to i.p with that ship!”warren said. The ship finaly came into weapons range. The frontier fired a series of phasers at the vessel. 

The cargo carier deployed the dust cloud. The ship was caught up in it.”i cannot get pass the cloud.”steve said. 

The ore carier neared the planet.  A Klingon ship came in.the crusier fired on the ore freighter. 

“The dust cloud generator is off line.”an aid said. “Return fire.”zarkan said. The freighter fired on the crusier. The ship used minumum crew. The vessel was striped down so they have more cannons. Three torpedo were lunched at the klingon vessel. The vessel was knocked out. 

“Get me raming speed!”khas ordered.”warp drive is off line. Impulse off line. “The klingon helm said. “Dawn it!”khas said. 

The ore freighter neared the planet.”take us to the planet’s core. We will detonate inside there.nothing will survive then. “Zarkan said. 

The vessel seam unable to be stoped.the vessel was about to unleash a deadly weapon. “I canot lead the vulcan people. No one can.” zarkan said. 

Suddenly a transporter like beam apeared out of where. The enterprise beemed in. The enterprise unleashed a volley of phasers and photon torpedoes.  The freighter was hit. The enterprise did not give them time to let up. It just kept fireing and fireing. 

The freighter was determined to carry out its deadly misson.zarkqn knew he would not survive. He had to carry out his misson. He had to see all this though.

The enterprise fired on the engines.the enterprise tried to cut off zarkan’s ability to perform its deadly task. The enterprise fired on the ship. 

Zarkan seperated the command module from the rest of thr ship.the hulk exploded. The command module tried to used the distraction to get to the core. The command mod had the bio weapon. It was about to be unleshed.

The frontier made it to the mod. On the bridge,sarah came on to the bridge.  “Wait ! Call up the command mod on tactical plot. “Sarah said. “Do it.”warren said.”tactical plot on viewer. ” ilisia reported. 

On the screen displayed what remained of the command module. “Hit hear. “Steve said.the frontier fired on the module. The module was wounded. The module decided to unleash its payload above the planet.  The frontier fired everything it had. The module exploded. 

“The enterprise is hailing us. “Palmer said. “On screen. “Warren said.on the view screen displayed the image of the enterprise bridge. “Its just like you jim to come in on the white horse. ” warren said. “You did prety good on your end. “Kirk said. Warren laughed. 


“Captains log the plot by zarkan has been thawted. Zarkan was killed in the atempt. The government on vulcan is considering a pardon for some involved in the plot. It is not clear what will happen to them. Some are pushing for exile whole orthers want them to play a part in the political process of new vulcan.it is not clear how it will go. Another questione is what to do with the folowers of zarkan who like him were revived.  There are alot of unanswered questiones. While the crises may be over, its legacy remains. “He said.

Qurters of waren.

“Apparently sybok flew the coupe.we cannot locate him. “Steve said. “Why am i not suprised?”he asked. “What are you doing?”steve asked. “When sarah left me,she left a hand written note with. Her ring. I kept it holding on to the hope that i could return it to her one day. Except i cant find it. I considered throwing it into the refuse on the excalibur but i am prety sure i did not. Now i cant find it. “He said.

“You did throw it into the refuse!” steve told him. “Oh no i did. Now i remember.  It was a moment of weaknesses.  ” warren said. “Warr comr down.”steve  said. He pulled the ring out of his pocket.” you fished it out?” warrrn asked.”not quite. I could not fit inside. I held the door open  while ilisia fished it out. Your welcome by the way. “Steve said.

“Some times i feel like you save me from myself. Thank you. “He told her. “Hey! What are friends for?”he said to him. 

He gave warren the ring. He took it from his friend.”now go see her. Tell her what you what you waited so long to tell her. “Steve said.  “Ok im going!”warren said.

Qurters of tsarah

“Hi sarah hi myia!”he said. “Hi daddy!”she said. “They cleared me. I can have my commission back if i want it.”Sarah said.  “You mearly exersized fredom of speech.  “Warren said.”is that why your hear?”she asked. “No its not. “Warren said. “Then why have you come?”she asked.

“Your left something behind. I would like to have it back. ” he said. She started to cry. “Look i know you have a lot to figure out. Are you going to be logical,emotionally or something in between?  I want youvto figure it out with me. I love you. That wont change.  I realize that now. Will you mary me again.you can be hear as an oficer ora civilian advisor.  I know the captain. I think he will let you stay on the ship. “He said.

“What do you think myia. Do you want momy and you to live with daddy. ” she asked her daughter.”yes i do.”she said. “I will marry you. “She said.

She huged him. He held on to her. Myia joined in the group hug. 

The end. 

Legend of zarkan part six 

Spock was brought to the bridge. Spock recognized some of the crewmembers.many he had grown up with. He was surprised they had agreed to join this movement. He suspected that they had gotten over there heads. They did not sign up for this.  

Spock entered the bridge. He was shocked to see sybok. Spock knew sybok well. They had grown up together. Like spock,sybok too is a son of sarek. 

Sybok was theveon of a vulcan noble women. She died when he was young. Sarek and later amanda raised him. He was seen as a future figure in vulcan sosiety. He had extreme views. He was exiled never to return. 

“Qol satu sybok.”spock said. “After all these years you have finaly caught up with me. “Sybok said. “Why have you done this? Surely we can solve the differences between us with out violence. Things are changing within vulcan sosiety. The old rigid syistom is a thing of the past. These acts of force are not needed. “Spock said.

“Sybok is not in charge hear mr. Spock.  I am. Any inquries regarding the true vulcan government should be directed to me. ” zarkan said. 

“Of course. I ment no disrespect.  Who sir are you?”spock asked.”i am zarkan.sovereign of vulcan people. “Zarkan said. 

“What are your intentions? “Spock asked. “Logic has failed. Non emotion has failed. Surek has failed. The universe is governed by force. Human philosopher neztche called it a will to power. On earth Darwin called it servival of the fittest.only the stribg survive. Vulcans unser surek became weak complacent. Only those with overwelming fire power can be truely free. “Zarkan said. 

“Violence is hardly necesary hear. Your goals could be acheved without force. Why reject surek and embrace hate,violence ,war?”spock asked. Spirituality can only be acheved though survival.

“I dont hate violence.  I dont fear it.i dont see it as bad. I dont equate violence with evil. Vuolence is an ally.  “Zarcan said. 

“Violence is powerful but it is unpredictable.  It has bo lotalty. It acts only acording to its own agenda. “Spock said.

“Our people needed change. We were on a destructive path. My regime had become decident. I needed to be overthown.that has changed now. I am needed again. Surek served his genetation. It is time for a new comitment. A change.  “Zarkan .

“I am not interested in the kind of change  your offering. “Spock said. “Spock.  You must know the toal logic takes on someone. It too much of a burden. “Zarkan said. 

“I suspect the road you offer is just as burdomsome. I suspect more so. “Spock said. “I will give you time to consider it. Put him in the brig.  “Zarkan said. 


“Our fleet is bigger then theres. “Steve observed. “If they use there bag of tricks. It could even the scales a bit. If they use the bio weapons it is a whole new ball game.”warren said. 

“You think they will?”oneil asked. “I am not sure. I suspect they might.  “Warren said.

“Fleet command is ordering us to intercept. “Palmer said. “Acknowledged. Hear we go!”warren said.

The fleet headed for the proto vulcan fleet.  The vulcan fleet headed for the federation fleet. It would soon begin.  

Rougue vulcan ship

Spock meditated on his bunk. The door opened. It was sybok. “Spock i need your help!”sybok said. “From my vantege point you brought this on yourself. You must know the kind of man zarkan is. As the humans say,if you play with fire your going to get burn. To bring zarkan to power was a bad idea.”spock said.

“You always had to have the last word spock. Always had to one up me. You can just leave it alone. “Sybok said. 

“I may have gone overbored. This time the consequences may be far greater then you can posibly imagine.  “Spock said. 

“Zarkan is going to destoy anyone that gets in his way. I know who i can count on amoung the crew. We may be able to stop him. We have to move quickly. Please spock help me. If not for my shake,for all our people. ” sybok pleeded. 

“Very well. You have my suport. ” spock said. “Thank you.”sybok said he lowered the force field. “We have to move quickly. We dont have a lot of time. “Sybok said.spock agreed. 

The two ran from the cell. Several joined them. They had to move quickly.  Zarkan would not hesitate to put down there little rebelion.they have to stop zarkan from getting any where close to new vulcan. 

U.s.s frontier


“Warren can you come over hear for a minute?”lt. Palmer asked.warren got uo from the command chair and went over to the com station.

“Star fleet security ity and intelligence is concerned about commander burgelle. “Palmer said.

“Why?”he asked. “She has been known to associate with individuals now identified as key members of the regresives. She met witg sybok on several occasions.they both lived at rygal 11 and visited eachother frequently.  He made several visits to his home. She has made visits to planet  frequented by smuglers. Star fleet suspect that she may still be stil a regresive. Star fleet wants her relieved of duty. They want her questioned. “Palmer said. 

“I will handle it. Chief norton.”warren said. “Sir?”chief brenna norton said. He motioned to her to keep a distance.  

“Sarah can i talk to you for a minute?” the captain asked. She came over. She noticed that he was not himself. Even during all this,he saw evidence of him being a playfull. It was a smal digree but it  was still there. 

“Whats going on warren?” she asked.  “I know you were a member of the regresives. It hae been sugested you may have been on there steering commite. ” he said.

“I cant get pass my past can i? After the destruction of vulcan i was confused. The regresives started off as a book club.later on it became a political party. Sybok then became a kind of ghandi.  As the group became bigger, hardliners came in. Sybok got frustrated by the government of new vulcan. He started surrounding himself with more militent members of his team.  I left. “She said. 

“Who is Zarkan? ” warren asked. “At first sybok looked to philosophers who were before surek who advocated reform without logic. Zarkan became a syimbol of the movement. He was a ralying cry for the movement.   ” she said.

“Is it posible that Zarkan could have been in suspended anination?”warren asked. “That was one of the rumors?” she said. “Will they resort to using weapons of planetary destruction?”warren asked. “Before i would have said no. Now i am fearfull they might. I fear that sybok may just be a figure head now.  That concerns me. “She said. 

“Sarah i need you to stay in your qurters for now.  “Warren said. “I understand. I will fuly coperate. ” she said. She folowed the secuity officer into the lift. The door closed. 

“Why did she not trust me?”steve asked.  “Warren your angery with her. You still love her. Keep that in mind. Eventualy you wont be angery any more. Your love will endures. You two will get though this. “Steve assured him.

“How do we get though this?” waren asked. ” i am maried to a cardesien.she is impulsive. She is arogent at times. Prone to moodiness. Both of us have pulled our hair out. We love each orther. You know in your heart she is not a terrorist.  She is not a sleeper agent. You know that. “steve said.

“Don’t lose sight of what you know.dont go on other people’s assumptions.  Dont read stories by those who really dont know. Go with what you know. ” steve said. 

The two fleets were near eachother. “The enemy fleet is not advancing. “Ilisia reported. “Why are they standing pat? “Steve asked. 

“We are being hailed. “Palmer said. “On screen! “Warren said. “This is Zarkan, sovereign  of the vulcan people.  New vulcan is the home world of vulcans. I am declaring new vulcan to be an independent sate. I request that the federation withdraw from all space recognized as belonging to vulcan. “Zarkan said. 

“The federation has a process for departure from the union. If the requirements are met,we will withdraw.  We cannot just unilateraly withdraw without a plan and process.  “Warren said. 

“New vulcan is for by and off vulcans captain. If we want to be independent.  We have that right.we do not wish to be caught up in foregn entaglements. I must incist you vacate our sovetegn territory now!” zarkan said.  

“We cannot do that . “warren said. “I will give you one more chance. Leave now!”zarkan said.”i cannot comply. “He said. 

The screen faided.”the regresive fleet is advancing. ” steve anounced. “Hold our ground people! “Warren said. 

The ships created a blokade. The ships created a wall around new vulcan. The proto vulcan fleet ran for the blokade. 

An unmanned and empty ore freighter made a run for one of the ships. The frieghter tried to ram into u.s.s constantinople . the frieghter exploded and hit the ship.the vessel was damaged but still intact. 

The vulcan ships tried to punch though the blokade. Several other unmanned ships rammed into blockading ships. 

“They are getting passed the blokade. “Steve anounced. “Dawn! Break formation. Fall back.we will atempt to recreate the blokade. It seams they are playing dirty. ” the captain said. 

The ships loyal to zarkan did everything they could to stop the formation of a new blokade. The ships pounded the federation ships. 

Zarkan looked at the frontier. The captain started to have a savere headache. He was in heavy pain. Steve went over to the command chair.  

Steve helped his friend. Steve ordered the fleet to hit the ships loyal to zarkan. 

Zarkans ship

All of a suden,the power went blank. “Whats going on?”zarkan demanded to know. “Saboterge! Someone is attempting to overide bridge functions. “A bridge officer said. “Sybok!” Zarkan said. 

Zarkan was unhappy.  “What do we do now?” an aid asked.  “We go to plan b. One sybok has no knowledge of. ” zarkan said. Zarkan beemed away from the bridge.  

Spock ,sybok and his alies had been able to take key parts of the ship. An alarm claxon went off. Zon looked at a terminal. “They have activated auto destruct. ” xon said. 

“We have to get to the life podes. “Spock suggested.  The people moved out. 

“The flagship is riged to blow.”Steve reported. “Have all ships beam out as manny as you can.” warren ordered. 

Zarkan beemed on to another ship. “Orders sir?”zordole asked. “Head for new vulcan. If i cant have new vulcan.  No one can.prepare the bio weapon. “Zarkan ordered. 

The ship moved out.

To be concluded.

Next up

The federation fleet sucessfully stoped the attack by the warlord Zarkan.  Zarkan plots to have one more act of  spite by destroying new vulcan.  

Legend of zarkan part five 

“Now clear of the enterprise.  “Uhua reported. “Now heading for the planet new vulcan.”spock said.”course plotted. Engaging now. ” uhua answered. The shartle craft went in an oposite ditection from the enterprise. The shartle headed for new vulcan.  

Proto vulcan ship.

Office of zarkan.

The chime rang. “Come” zarkan said. The door opened, sybok entrted. “The federation fleet is still licking its wounds. Several ships are are on an intercept course.  Ships loyal to us are also on there way. “Sybok said.

“Good. I have been catching up for galactic politics.  A lot has changed. Empires have risen and fallwn only to be replaced by empires who have also rissen and fallen. I understand manny of our people fled the old homeworld. One of these groups is the romulans. I would like to reach out to them. “Zarkan said. 

“I would advise against them. They are eratic. They are whimsical. They are militaristic.  They may see you and a vulcan empire as a competitors.  Any alliance between us and them would be with us as jr partner. “Sybok told him.

“We are the same race.i knew the founder of the romulans. He was an acolyte.  I cant beve that we cannot have a reunification with them.”zarkan said.

“In time perhaps.  Let us build up the new vulcan sate first. Later on we can perhaps open a dialougue but not now. “Sybok said.

“I want a new age. The new vulcan order. This order must be for all vulcans. This must include our brothers and sisters on romulis. “Zarkan said.

“I urge you to reconsider that.  The romulans cannot be trusted. Things have changed sense your days. We should focus on vulcans. “Sybok said.

“We will table this debate for now. I am not totaly convinced to go along with your point of view. I will defer to your wisdom for now. “Zarkan said. “I appreciate that excelentcy.” sybok said. 

“I am saddened by the plight of our people.  Displaced. Directionless.  I can give that direction. ” zarkan said.

“I know you stole biological weapons.  I ask you not to use them.”sybok said. “I cant tie my own hands. I perfer to win this war on the up and up.conventional warfare is preferable. The fact is we are undermaned and out gunned. We may have no choice. Your people brought this upon yourself. You clung to pacifism.it is about to bite you in the but. I will try not to use them. I cannot make any promises. I will not tie my own hands sybok. If push comes to shove i will use them. “Zarkan assured him. 

Sybok did not like that answer. He did not like it at all. He did not expect him to be like this. He was not what he expected.  He was very confused. He did not think that this would play out likw this. He should have but he did not. Some times people see what he wanted to see.this was what comonly happened. 

“I will not take up any more of your time. “Sybok said. “You are dismissed.  “Zarkan said. The vulcan left the bridge. The door closed. The closed.

Zarkan was troubled by his conversation with sybok.sybok brought him to power.  Now sybok was wavering. He was a meens to an end. Had he out lived his usefulness.for now he was stil needed. If he became a liability he would be delt with. No one was indispensable.  The only thing that matered was winning. Zarkan deternined to win at all coast. 

New vulcan

Sarek went to visit his old friend sivol. He filled the older vulcan on what happened in the meeting. “You cannot be sure that this zarkan is the same as the zarkan that was overthown before surek. “Soval said. 

“I agree with that sivol. The fact that this zarkan has come out of no where leeds me to suspect that this man caling himself zarkan could be zarkan the last. “Sarek told him.

“Sybok has realy to qote humans has realy steped into it this time. “Sarek said. “It seams that he has. “I know that this is not how you would have wanted things to go for sybok. ” sovel said.  “Indeed it is not. ” sarek said. “He could come come around. “Soval said. “He could at that. I just fear that it may be too late for us all. “Sarek said. 

U.s.s frontier


“I have located the proto vulcan ships. More vesels have joined the task force.  ” ilisia reported. 

“Send  coordinates to all alied ships. ” the captain said. “Sending” palmer said. 

“I have located a single warship. It is heading for the fleet. We might be able to keep them from the rest of the fleet. “Sarah said.

“Send coordinates to the helm.mr. oneil plot an intercept. Lets stop that ship. “Warren said. Oneil got the corse and ploted it. The enterprise headed for the single ship. The goal was to head it off at the pass. 

The frontier headed for the warship. The warship detected the frontier and set an intercept course of its own. Both had weapons on stand by. 

The vulcan war ship got off the first schot. It fired a volley of phasers at the war ship. “Shields holding. Minnor damege on several decks.”steve said. 

“Return fire!”warren ordered. The frontier fired on the warship. “We did some damege but not enough.”steve said. “This is an old ship but they have made a lot of upgrades.  ” ilisia said. 

“Of course they did. “Warren said.the frontier was hit. “Shields at 77 percent. ” steve reported. “Get me a target people! ” warren ordered. Sarah studied the ship. She found a target.  Thr frontier fired on a non critical part of the ship. The frontier folowed up by firing aditional shots. 

The warship fired on the frontier. The frontier was hit. “Shields at seventy percent. “Steve reported.”we have an incoming. “Ilisia said. 

“Another regressive ship?”warren asked. “Negitive. It is a klingon vessel.”ilisia said. 

The klingon war cruser fired a series of disruptor on the. Proto vulcqn vessel. Thr frontier fired as well. Both ships did not give them time to catch there breath. 

“There shields are down. “Steve anounced. “Advise the vulcan ship to stand down. “Warren said. The klingon ship fired. “Order that ship to stand down!”waren said. Before palmer could send the message, the vulcan ship exploded.

“Dawn it! Get me the klingon commander now! “Warren insisted. Lt. Palmer activated the com system.  “They are responding ” palmer said.

The view screen displayed the bridge of the klingon battle cruser.”this is captain warren burgele of the federation starship frontier.  “He said.

“I am khas of the inperial klingon vessel tizrek. “He said. “This is federation space. You are trespassing into our territory.  While i appreciate your help,you had no right to destroy that vessel.i wished to interogate the crew. “Warren said.

“They are the enemy.  This is war.in war you destroy the enemy. Interrogation is irrelevant.  Conquest is the only answer. “Khas told the star fleet commander. 

“You had no right to come into our space. You commited an act of war against the federation khas. “Warren said. 

“We are at war with the vulcans that destoyed our base and stole our weapons. Our laws alow us to persue an enemy even inside soveregn teritory of non aligned planetary nations. ” khas said.

“Give me one good reason i should not blow you out of the stars?”warren asked. “We are on the same side captain.we want the same thing. We want to see this terrorist network dismantled.  “Khas said.

“You built these weapons. I have a feeling they were designed to be used in a war against us. I dont see your people as the inocent party. The fact is you built a pendoras box and it got away from you.now your trying to cleen up your own mess before you guys get burned. Rerurn to your side of the border. We will deal with this problem on our own terms. “Warren said. 

“We are klingons! We solve our own problems our own way.  “Khas said. The screen went dark.  “The ship has gone to warp.”steve reported. “Do we persue? “Oneal asked.”Negitive we havr bigger fish to fry. Mantain course for The vulcan fleet. “Waren ordered.”aye sir.”oneal said.

“Inform sat fleet about the klingons. I hope they lodged a protest. “Warren said. “Sending”palmer said. 

Shartle craft Galileo 

“Now nearing new vulcan space.”uhua said. “Very good. Odd it is my home but i have nevet been there. “Spock said. “I gues you realy cant go home again. I can never realy undetstand. It is unthinkable yet you have to live with it.”uhua said. “I try to muddle though it as best as i can. It os not easy. “Spock said. 

“Incoming ship.  Combat ship. Non aligned. ” computor said.”evasive action”spock ordered. The ship tried to get away.  

“Nyota you must get to an esape pod. “Spock said. “I can’t leave without you spock!”she said. “It is paramount that you do. “Spock said.he gets ready to perform a mind meld. “Please tell me your not trying to transfer your katra to me.”uhua remarked. “No i have a message for my farther. ” spock told her.  

He performed the meld. Then he helped her on a pod. “I love you”he told her. “I have always known. I love you too. Stay alive!”she said. 

The pod lunched. The pod  Headed away. The shartle kept going. The shartle was tractored into the bay. Spock hoped uhua would make it to vulcan. 

Zarkan’s flagship

Office of zarkan

“The zorek has commander spock. His mate got away in a pod. “Zordol said. “No matter.i want spock. I have so wanted to meet him. He could be an ally of a liability. “Zarkan said. “Sybok has no knowledge of this.”zordol said. “Speaking of liabilities. I grow concerned about sybok. He found me. Revived me. He does not have what it takes. He is too soft. He dors stomich a revolution.  He may have to be nutralized. I hate to do it. I owe him a great debt of gratitdew. We are too close. We cannot lose again.  We undetmasted the opposition before. We cannot do it again. We risk losing everything.  “Zarkan said. 

“I myself grow weary of sybok. He has cloat among the rrgresivese. We may tisk losing them. We need alies. ” zorbol said.”watch him. If he betrays us we may be able to justifyjustifyg with him. “Zarkan said. “Understood. “Zarbol said. 

U.s.s frontier 

“More ships have joined zarkan’s fleet.”ilisia said. “More of our ships are on the way. “Palmer said. “They might be able to take over new vulcan. Once they take the planet.  It might be difficult to get it back. “Steve said.”i know. Beleve me i know. “Warren said. 

Sarah was concerned by what he said.he could see it in her eyes.  She was a child of vulcan. This was dificult. 

“Sir we are just getting word that the planet arnex was just destoyed. A combined viral war head struck the planet. The planet is gone. “Ilisia said. “There planet  was not habited. “Steve said. “Why hit an uninhibited planet?” oneal asked.”a test a demonstration. A warning.”warren said. 

Planet new vulcan 

The pod was picked up by a vulcan potrol ship. Uhua was taken to the planet imidiately. Uhua was escorted to the home of former ambassador sovel. 

Uhua had great respect for ambassador sarrek,spock’s farther.she considered him a potential farther in law. She had corresponded with him while the enterprise was involved in deep space research.  

“It is quite agreeable to see you again Nyota.  “Sarek said. “It is good to see you ambassador as well.i wished that it was under better circumstances.  “Uhua said.”as do i. I have learned to accept the negitive and the posisitive. They both offer valuble lessons. ” sarek said.

“Ambassador sovel. Greatings.your banter with admiral archer for legendary and your deelings with the Andorian shran. “Uhua said. “I am certain that they were. “Sovel said. 

“Ambassador i have a mesege from spock. “Uhua told sarek. “May i join your mind?”sarek asked. “Of course! ” she said.

He placed his hand on her temples. “My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts. Our mindsare merging.  Our minds are one. “Sarek said.

He tried to acess her mind. He saw images. Her childhood.  Growing up in the united sates of africa. Studying linguistic.  Meeting kirk at that bar in iowa. Interaction with spock. The incident on qonos. The destruction of the enterprise at tge hands of the swarm. Then he found the messege.

“Farther. I wish i could be hear in person.  ” spock told him. “As do i my son. “Sarek said. “These are precarious times for our people.  We are on the edge of a clif. I fear we nay not be able to avoid it.”spock told him.

“I too have suspected that spock. “Sarek said. “The disident group atempted to assassinate me. They had a sleeper agent within the enterprise. I suspect she was not the only one. There may be more within star fleet or in the federation or on new vulcan. I suspect the actual membership in this orginization is small.  They are well planed. They have there proverbial bases covered. ” spock said.  “It seams they do. ” sarek said.

“The fact they have captured me is important. I do not know if they will kill me or attempts to recruit me or interogate me. I will do what i can to thawt there plans”spock said.

“I know you will my son. I will do all i can to thawt them on my end. “Sarek assured him. “I have no doubt.”spock said.”i will rescue you if i can. “Sarek said. “I know that. “Spock said.

Sarek raised his hand and gave the salute.  Spock reciprocated.   “Peace and long life. “Sarek said. “Live long and prosper. ” spock said. 

The link was severed. “I receved his message. “Sarek said.”sir.arnex was destroyed. A combination of tri cobalt and a bio weapon. “An aid said. “Oh my. “Sovel said. 

Vulcan ship


The turbo lift opened, sybok and ston enteted. “How dare you detonate a weapon of planetary destruction . “sybok said.

“Watch yourself sybok. You are addressing the monarch of the vulcan people.  ” Zordol said.

“I revived you. I made all this posible. Without me you would be in a deep freze headed for a black hole. “Sybok said.

“You are nothing but a smal never was who wishes he were a has been.i do not intend to use the dirty weapon unles i have to.it is a weapon of last resort. My people are weak defeated. We must rise. I cannot tie my hands.  I will not. ” zarkan said.

“Sir our guest has arived. “Zordol said. “Excellent.  Have him brought to the bridge.  ” zarkan said. 

The frontier arived at the staging area. The frontier joined the rest of the fleet.  

Vulcan ship

Spock was brought to the bridge. Sybok was shocked to see him.as was tpring. Tpring had been bethrothed to spock.she chose ston over him. “We meet at last Spock! “Zarkan said.

End of part five. 

Next uo

Zarkan meets Spock.  Sybok takes a risk in enlisting the help of spock . the federation fleet faces zarkan agqin. Warren has doubts about tsarah. 

Legend of zarcan part four

U.s.s enterprise 

“Captain’s log,at the zubarien and atar request we are atempting to remove mines left over from there war. Our mission is to nutrilize the mines. “Captain kirk said. 

Near airlock 

“Jim! This is crazy.  You realy think that it will be easy to remove these mines?”dr. Mccoy remarked. 

“No bones,i dont think it will be easy. If it was they would do it. This is importent.these two races wont be able to traval and trade. This area has become a no mans land. “Kirj said.

“I think its funy that we are the ones expected to do the dying. “Mccoy said. Kirk got into the e.v.a suits. 

Kirk went to spock and the rest of the team. The team moved out. The airlock opened.they moved out into open space. 

Spock was as he always was. He was serious and stoic. He was focused and concintrated. He focused on the task at hand. 

Spock knew that uhua not like him taking unnecessary risk. He preferred not to. For some reason,working alongside kirk,he did not have to look for trouble trouble always found him. 

Kirk,spock and the team went just near the mines.  Kirk ordered the team to stop. Spock modified a tricorder to scan for mines. Spock was hoping to deactivate these mines quickly. 

Spock located what he preceved was the master mine. Spock began a mine meld. Uhua did not like this plan. He assured her he could do this sucessfully. 

It was hardly a fool proof plan. Nothing in life was fool proof. Spock understood that well. Uhua did too. She wished Spock was not so blunt. He never saw the human equation. Everything was juwt a task. Everything was acedemic.he never saw the real universe implication.  Discussing potentially morbitity to spock was no different then discussing a golf game. Kirk seemed to encourege it. Kirk was a risk taker. He rushed in where fools feared to tread. Spock joined him. Uhua swore if kirk was determined to strom grethor ,spock would form a plan and a statistical anylises on the odds of sucess. 

Uhua loved and hated that about spock. She felt similar feelings about kirk. In a way kirk enabled Spock. In another way,spock enabled kirk. They formed a dangerous syimbiotic relationship.  It was there strength as well. There collaboration saved earth from nero,saved star fleet headquarters from kahn and the yorktown base from krall or captain Edison.  Could it stop these mines

Spock engaged the meld.  He saw a grid.  He had acesed the network’s main computor. He was able to circumvent the mine control. The mines decloaked and became inert.

“That was way too easy.” mccoy said. “Bones i thought  you would be happy.  No casualties.  Not even a callous.  “Kirk said. “As a great philoepher once said, “something gota to go wrong cuz im feeling way too dawn good.  ” mccoy said. 

“Doctor no one regards Nickelback as great philosophers! ” Spock said.”how do you know about archaic earth popular music?”mccoy asked. “I am well versed on multiple subjects.”spock answered. 

All of a suden an officer in a space suit went over to spock.she was a vulcan. She held the rank of ensign.she had not been on the enterprise long.   

“May i help you?”Spock asked. Sudenly she detonated herself.spock tried to get away. The explosion was smal. Spock barely made it out. The officer was gone. 


Dr. Mccoy looked over spock. Uhua held on to him. “Aside from a few singe marks. You apear to be mostly undamaged.  ” mccoy told him. 

” ceptin i serached eneign tisobsky’s qurters. They were spartin. There were clothung but not much else. There was one personal itom. A book. ‘Ilogic islogical ‘  by a vulcan called eybok.”checov said.

“Sybok?” spock said.  “You ok spock?” uhua said. “I know this sybok. We grew up together. ” he said. “Why would this eneign or sybok want to kill you?”mccoy asked. “My people are at a crossroads doctor.  It has created a species wide crises of faith if you will. Some have had a leepbof faith. They cling to the teaching of surek. Others are rejecting it. They adviocate a return to the old ways. I am seen as a pivotal person in vulcan sosiety. I am a senior most vulcan serving in star fleet. I am the son of a prominent figure in vulcan government. This could be a plot to futher destabolize vulcan sosiety. ” spock said.

“Is this Sybok a mad man?”mccoy asked. “He has alwwys been a radical.  It seams that he has gone off the deep end.”spock said. 

“Captain. I wish to take a leave of absence.  I want to go to new vulcan. ” spock said.  Of course.  ” kirk said. “Spock are you not woried that whoever was begind this wont try again.  By going to new vulcan you make youself a bigger taeget. “Mccoy said.

“I am aware of that dictor. If there is a move ment to take over vulcan,it needs to be stoped. Tjus has ramifications for the federation.a pre surek government could leave the federtion even try to become a military empire “spock said “because one romulan enpire is not sufucient. ” mccoy said. Kirk leered at him.

“I want to go too. “Uhua said.”nyota it might be safe!”Spock said. “I need to go. I want to protect you. ” uhua said. “Your hardly chivalrous spock!” mccoy said. “Bones your really not helping! “Kirk said. “It is not safe . whoever did this will come after me. Morw so if i go to new vulcan. “Spock said. “Please let ne go with you. “Uhua pleaded. “Very well. ” Spock said.

Once star fleet learned of the plot by zarcan and sybok,they saught to mobilize at once. They ordered commodore robert wesly of the starship lexington to orginize a task force to stop the zarcan.several ships had arived near the staging area. More were on the way.

U.s.s lexington


“How can zarcan think he can stop us. Its four ships vrs the federation fleet. ” commander tom mallery asked.

“Dont unestimate this man. He managed to come in to klingon space.  Ravage a secret outpost. Steal secret technology and get out. I am not counting on anything. ” Wesley said. 

“We have incoming.  “An andorian science officer said.  The fleet was ready.  

Vulcan ship 


“Now in weapons range “ston reported. “Activate the dust cloud.”zarcan ordered.  The vulcan ships deployed the dust cloud. 

The cloud enveloped the fleet. “Captain. Sansors everything is down”the science officer reported.”dawn it!”wesley said. The vulcan ships opened fire on the star fleet ships.  

The vulcan flagship fired voleys of phasers at a frigate. Thr frigate was on fire. The lead ship imobilized three more ships. The vulcan ships did exstensive damage then moved on. 

The ships were in a cripled sate. An aditonal dust cloud enveloped the fleey. Zarcan had bigger fish to fry. He would suceed. 

U.s.s frontier 

“Captain’s log at the request of commodore robert Wesley, we are heading to join uo with a task force for the perpose of stopping the threat posed by sybok and the mystetious zarcan. “Warren said. 

Warren was not sure why sarah wanted him to come to her qurters.anything private could have been delt with in the brrfing room.he rang the chime.she opened the door. He saw a vulcan women he recognized. She was a midwife and live in nany. Why was she hear.it was not bring your governesses to the starship day. 

He saw a young girl playing with toy starship.  “Mommy made these. This is a new one. It is a kelvin class. It is dIigned for long range exploration and reserch missons. “She said.

“Yes i know. I have been abored one.”he said. She had a child. He never thought she might mary someone else. He looked froward to raising a family with her. “She is your child?”warren asked. “Yes her name is mya. “She said.

They used to talk about baby names.he had sugested myia for a girl. Why did she name her that? “You gave her a human name?”warren asked. “Her middle name is vulcan. ” she said. “Who is her farther?”warren asked. 

Then it doned on him. “Is she?”warren asked. “I was going to tell you. Then nero destroyed the old planet vulcan. I was confused. I was not sure what to do.”she said.

“Why did you run away from me?i fell in love with you as a logical vulcan. I did not care wich path you chose. I had seen you to the right of a kolinar master and to the left of a furengi. I would have suported whoever you chose to be. That was never in doubt.  Why did you not trust me?” ” he asked.

“I was confused. I had to get away. It was unfair. I know that now. I never finished kolinar. I got pregnant and left. Then i went to new vulcan. I have nothing to say in my defense. It was indefensible.  ” she said. 

” whatever you drcided i would have suported you a hundred and ten percent. ” he said. ” i was confused. I had to get away. I am sorry.”she said . “captain you are needed on the brdige.”palmer said. “Duty calls. “He said.


He entered the bridge. “Sir the fleet was heavily damaged.  The vulcan ships got away. “Steve said. “Can we determine where they are going? “He asked. “At. Present course and speed they are on course for new vulcan. “Ilisia said. “Send to commodore Wesley request permission to pursue.  “The captain ordered. “We are given clearence to persue. “Palmer said.

“Helm set an intercept course.”the captain oredered. “Course plotted sir. “Oneil reported. “Engage.”he ordered. The frontier headed for the vulcan ship. 

The ships damaged by zarcan worked to repair there ships.they hoped to be able to go after zarcan. They had no idea what his plan was.it was not good. 

U.s.s frontier 


“The picture of the man called zarkan is found no where in the vulcan or federation data base. the name was popular before the reforms of surek. Mind lords used z in there first name. The last great vulcan dictator was named zarkan.he was overthrown right before surek’s reform took shape. It is no wounder someone would use his name. Zarkan is revered amoung those who want to return to pre surek age. ” sarah said.  

“I thought sybok was in charge of this group.  It seems that sybok os subvervient to this man. “Ilisia said. “It seams seams that zarkan is in charge. It seams that he is way more fanatical.  ” sarah said. 

Sarah may have revealed too much. She was not ready to reveal that she was once part of the group.  How will star fleet react. How will warren react? 

New vulcan

Federation embasy

“Ambassador fox.” sarek said.  “It is good to see you ambassor sarek. I wish it was under better circumstances.  A group of vulcans led by a man naimed zarkan stole experimental technology from the klingons . he is using that technology to wage a war on terror on the federation. It immobilized a task force led by commadore wesley.” the ambassador said.

“You said zarkan?” sarek asked. “I understand that a zarkan led the planet before surek transformed vulcan society. “Fox said. “Yes that is correct. “Sarek said. 

“What is it ambassador.  If i did not know better i would say you have seen a ghost! “Fox said. 

“Zarkan’s fate waa never revealed. He fled the capital but was never found. Some beleved he left the star system. Given our recent deelings with khan ,many believe that he may have been in some kind of suspended animation. ” sarek said.

“You believe that this man could be that zarkan? ” fox asked. “I cannot rule it out ambassador.  “Sarek said.”could this lead to a vulcan cival war ? Even cessation? “Fox asked. “Perhaps. Right now it is a smal faction. This is a precariousness time for my people and yours. ” sarek said.


The shartle Galileo lunched from the enterprise.  The shartle had spock and uhua. The shartle headed for new vulcan. 

End of part four 

Next up

Spock and uhua heading to new vulcan met trouble as they are chased by members of the pre surek faction. 

Sybok and zarkan disagre over how to wage this war. 

Star trek klingon


The prequel to “broken bow” how klang ended up on earth. The story of the suliban atempt to destabolize the klingon empire. 

The original series

Kirk must go undercover to rescue a klingon disident. More may be at steak as kirk learns a secret that could chang everything. 

The next gen

Legend of zarcan part three

“Captain’s log,unknown to star fleet and the federation,a paturn is emurging.a sinister master plan. A plot to create chaos to latet cteate a new order. “Waren said in his log.

“At the same time,a person from my past has rereentered my life. Her reemergence was unexpected.  Can we really heal from the wound of the past or some thngs best left to the past””he said.


The turbo lift opened, the first officer enteted. Lt. Palmer saw sarah burgele. “Your a vulcan?”palmer asked. “My birth name is t’sarah cathuonu. No one can pronounce it.”she said.”you kept your maried name?”he said.”it was easier for others to pronounce and everyinr knows me as sarah burgele.”she told him. “It was only for expediency? “Warren asked. “Not totaly.”she said. 

“I see. “He said. “Reporting as ordered. “She said. “Welcome on bored. “He said.”thank you.i “she started to say before he cut her off. “Please of your going to say it is agreible to see me again please dont!”he said.

“Actually i was going to say i missed you. “She said. “Oh. I missed you too.”he said. Ilisia hugged her.steve shock her hand. “I was fairly certain you Two  would be hear. “She told them. “Someone has to keep him straght.”steve said. 

“Look i would like to meet with you in private. “He told Sarah. “Of course.”she said. “Should i tag along?”steve said. “That wont be necessary! You have the bridge.”he said.

They left. “The captian is not himself today. ” palmer said. “He is conflicted. Those two are a partnetship in every sense of the word. Either one would wilingly goves there livrs for the other. They have saved eachother multiple times. Some mountains are harder to climb. What you hear is hurt talking. Hurt and fear.”steve said. “Fear of what? ” palmer asked.”this all hapening again. Her going away and him being alone again “steve said. “Being a starship captian is a lonly life. ” lt. Oneal said. “That is his fear. He is afraid he cannot have both a carer and family. ” ilisia said.

Qurters of the captian. 

“Can i have a hug or is that too much emotion?” he asked. “Of course.”she said.  She huged him.he held on to her. He found her so soft. Yhe first time he huged herhe expected her to be roufh course. He was not expecting that.neither one wanted to leave. Finaly they sat down.

“Why did you leave me? I fell in love with you when you were logical. Bring emotional was never a prerequisites. I saw you more logical when surek and more enotional then humans. You shouls have trusted me!”he told her.”i know. I was confused. I did not know what to do. I swore i never intended to hurt her. I know  i did. “She said 

“You never did acheve kolinar?”she asked. “No i dont. I abandoned the program before nero struck vulcan.”she said. 

“I knew you were on rygal when it happened.  “Warren said. “Then we are still friends?”she asked.”that was never in doubt. ” he told her. 

“So do you have a theory who is involved in these theft of weapons?”warren asked. “I do. They are called the regresives. They reject surek’s reformation and advocate a return to pre surek vulcan culture. They are led by a vulcan named sybok. He is an energetic but dangerous man. He beleved in emotion not logic.” she said. 

“Why steal wepons ?”warren asked. “He was a philosopher.the drstruction of the home world may have pushed him off the edge. He is a pragmitist. He had a saying that desperate times called for desperate acts.  “She said. 

“Could his group become a doomsday cult?”he asked. “I cant rule it out. The incident with nero is a dificult even for the most disciplined anoung us. Even some kolinar masters are conflicted.”she said. 

“Your sure this is them? This could be pirates,orions? Others? Even conqured worlds inside the empire. ” he remarked.  “Im sure its vulcan disidents warren.”she said.  “Thats why your hear?”warren asked. “I want to help. I believe i can be of service. Drop by my qurters when you have a free seccond. “She told him. “Ok!”he answered.  

Near the site of the reserch station,khas and keraga floated in space. They waited ,hoping that someone would come. A qotek class attack ship came into the area. The two were quickly beemed back to the ship. 

Klingon vessel 

“Who was behind this attack?” general kord said on the screen.”i am not sure.  They had an agent within our crew. This was a carefully planed operation. “Khas said.

“What is the end goal  of this attack?”kord asked. “I believe to procure weapons and techology. I do not believe this was an attack directed at us. It was a meens to an end. ” khas said.

“No matter the motive, this was an act of war agenst the enpire. ” the general said. “I agree excellentcy. I would like to go after these people. “Khas said. 

“How far do you intend to go?”the general asked.  “As far as i have to general.  ” khas responded.  “Very well. I will place you in command of the tizrek. Qopla. “Kord said. The screen faded.

Khas knew what he had to do.he would do it. He would stop these attackers. It was an act of vengeance now. An act of hornor. He would stop these people no matter what it took. 

U.s.s fronter 


 “Now at the border. “Oneil reported. “All stop!” the captain ordered. “We are at all stop. ” steve reported. ” begin scan of the area. ” warren ordered. “Comancing scan.”sarah anonced.

“We are being hailed. It is from the Klingon vessel g’broth. “Lt. Palmer announced.  Warren got up from the command chair. “On screen Audrey.  ” warren ordered. The com officer activated the view screen. 

On the view screen displayed the image of the bridge of the Klingon potrol ship.  “This is captain waren burgele of the federation starship fronter.  ” warren said 

“I am captain kolek of the g’broth. Sate your reason for being this close to the border?” the Klingon commander demanded to know. 

“We are alarmed by the attack on your reserch outpost.  We fear that the situation might spil over in our space.  We want to be on the ready. ” warren informed his counterpart. 

“There was an incident. It has been dealt with. The situation is contaned. There is nothing to be concerned about. ” the commander said. “Then why contact me? We are well within our side of the border.  “Warren said.  “Humans enjoy meddling in every minutiae of the universe. This has nothing to do with you.  I just wanted to make that clear. ” the klingon commander said.

“Of cousrse captain.  Your mesege is clear. “Warren said. “Good. I just wanted to remind you.”he said.  The screen faded. 

“He is on edge!” warren said. “The Klingon dont like uncertainty.  ” sarah said. ” he is not the only one.”warren said. 

“Captain we have a level one shock wave. ” sarah said.  “Back us off!” warren ordered. The ship tried to move the ship away.  A large dust cloud hit the potrol ship. The Klingon vessel was serounded. The vulcan vessel fired on the klingon warship. The warship was cripled. The three orther klingon vessels were also cripled.

“Do we stay on to the federation? “Xon asked. “Not yet pilot. Destroy those ships!” zarcan ordered. “Sir! These ships are cripled. There is no need to destroyvthese ships. ” sybok said.”the universe must know that there is a new power rising. Folow my orders. ” zarcan said. ” no this is wrong. “Sybok said.  Zarcan took out a klingon dusruptor and aimed it at tpring. “Folow my orders or die. Your choice.  ” sybok said. 

The vulcan vessel fired on the Klingon ships. The orther ships also fired on the klingon ships. There were multiple  explosions. The vulcan ships mantain course for the federation border.

On the screen the fronter crew watched the event. “The entire patrol fleet was destoyed. ” sarah reported. “What could have done that?” elisia asked . “i sumise that this was one of the technology at the reserch post. “Sarah said.

“Can you identify the vesses?”warren asked. “Vessels are a retrofitted combat ship used by unaffiliated pirates. “Sarah said. “Vessel are heading for the border.  ” oneal said. 

“Plot intercept! ” warren ordered.steve ploted an intercept course. “Hail the lead ship! “Warren ordered. Palmer hailed the ship.  

Vulcan lead ship


“We are being hailed. “The com oficer said. “No response.  I do not recognize any entity but my own.”zarcan said.

“No response! “Palmer said. ” we cannot outrun them. “Ilisia said. “I know that. I cant let them enter federation space unhindered.  ” the captain said.

“They are now in federation space.  ” sarah said. “Intercept!”waren said.the fronter went after the ships. The frontier opened fire. The warships kept going. 

“We are being hailed.  “Palmer reported. “On screen. ” the captain ordered. The screen turned on. The bridge crew was shocked to see vulcans in the bridge.

Warren was shocked as well.  Sarah had been right. How much did she know? How much was she holding back? Whose side was she on. Could she be trusted totaly. Was her liyalties devided.would she side with the federation if push came to shove. Would she side with him. What would he do if she was not? 

Sarah recognized manny on the bridge. She was shocked to see sybok in a subservient role. She could not imagine sybok not in charge. He was larger then life to her. This charismatic visionary.  Now he seemed religated to seccond fiddle or worst.

She did not recognize the man in charge. There were others as well.she knew xon.sge knew tpring and ston and others. Who was the man in charge? 

“To whom am i adressing?” waren asked. ” i am zarcan emparor of all vulcans.  My people have lost there way. Our home world destoyed. They are sheep with no shepered. That will soon change. ” zarcan said.

“This is federarion space.  You have conmited multiple acts of agresson against the klingon empire. ” waren said.

“It waa necessary.  I am at war with meritocracy.  I neee weapons. Better in my hands then in the klingons.”zarcan said.

“A vulcan.  You are quute attractive.”zarcan said.”i am t’sara. ” she said. “It is a pleasure to meet you. ” he said. “What is your intentions? ” warren asked. “Oh are you still talking?  “Zarcan said in a tone of disrespect.  

“I am the senior officer of this sector sir.  “Warren said. “I do not recognize the federation. I plan on having new vulcan leaving the federation.  My intensons are my own. ” zarcan said.

“Are you at war with the federarion? “Warren asked. “It is not certain. Stay out of my way and i will have no issue with you. If you do interfear i will sqash you like a bug.” zarcan said.

The screen faded.  The ships went on. “What do we do? ” oneil asked. “We cant stop them. Let um go. Keep a close eye on them. Get me star fleet command. We. Need to mobilize.  “He said.

“Who was that man?” ilisia asked. “I have no idea. I have never seen him before. “Sarah said.

Warren thought to himself. A new player. Who was this man? Where did he come from? How did he rise to the leadership of these regressive?  He presented an uncertain element in all this. 

How did sarah fit into all of this?he suspected she was holdubg back.her knowledge if thus group was more then just a hobby. He suspected she may have been a member of this group.  Could she stil be a member. Coukd she be a sleaper cell member. He had no idea. 

Planet new vulcan. 

“Ambassador sarek. ” an aid said.  “Yes!” sarek said. “Sir.ambassador fox had requested that you come to the embasy. He says it is urgent. ” an aid said.  “Inform him i am on my way. ” sarek said. “That is strange. ” soval said. 

“It is unusual.  The ambassador is a bit enigmatic.  ” sarek said.”many human diplomats are. ” sarek said. 

End of part three. 

Legend of zarkan part two

U.s.s fronter

Omicron class

Mass hall. 

The captian enteted. He went to the computor. “Bakon egs and chese on a bagle.cofee black. “He said. The slot opened. He brought his tray to a table and sat down.

“This replicator unit hates me.i ordered bacon eag and chese o. A bagle. It gives me a bagle bakon and chese seperatly. I dont want to asemble it myself.  “Captian waren. Burgele said. 

“You have to be specific with the replicator. “Ilisia said. “I gues so. ” waren said. “Did you get the invite?” lt. Commander steve dilivent asked.”yea star fleet academy five year reunuon. I thought about attending but i think i will explore the andromida galaxsy instead.” he said. 

“Why not attend. You made captian within five years of graduation. You command a class of ships slightly smaller then the constitution class but not by much. You have already made history several times over. You have everything you want.” elisia said. 

He looked at his ring finger. He saw the indentation on his ring finger.at one time there had been en a ring there. “Not everything! ” he said.

“I figured.  You still miss her?” steve said. “I do. ” waren burgelle said. “Have you tried to find her?” elisia said.  “I know she was not on vulcan when nero struck. She was on rygal. Orther then that i dont know. ” warren said. 

He did not say was that he did want to see her again. He was not ready to reveal that part. 

Steve and elisia were his closest friends. Steve like waren grew up on earth in the sate of maine in north America.  Elisia was a cardesien. They all met at the acedemy. They had become friends sense then. He asked for them on his first command. 

Secret klingon weapons research post. 

Near klingon- romulan border. 

Khas was the commander of the facility. The facility was tasked with creating various new weapons for the empire. Khas was an expert at proxy wars. He led advisory teams to various planets ususly involved in cival wars. It was with the aim of advancing the interest of the empire. 

Now he was supervising the construction of the new weapons.this time it was to be used directly by the empire in battle.  He perfered this task to his previous one.

He liked desinging new technology for the perpose of war fare. He was glad to have this task. 

“Sir! I present the dust cloud. ” dr. Kuruga said.a smal device was lunched. The device emited a kind of dust that spread though the station. 

“All view screens and port holes are are blocked. Not only is the screen blocked but the dust created by the device blocks sansors including targeting sansors. It will eventually dispitate but it will do alot of damage before that. ” dr. Keraga said. 

“Does it weakon the strucual integrety of the object hit?” the first officer said. “This device does not but we have created a version that does. “Dr. Keraga said.

“This is quite impressive.  Not quite my thing but i am impressed.  “Khas said. “You will reccomend that the ticumba  aprove its use?”kuraga asked. 

“There wont be time for that!” the first officer said. Everyone was confused. The exo detonated an explosive device embedded in his arm. Khas pushed keraga out if the way. The blast spread. 

The lead flagship


“The station is clear of the debree.”t’pring reported. “Are there shields down?” zarcan asked. “Afirmitive. ” tpring answered. “Move us in to tranaporter range. “Zarcan ordered. “We are in place sir”zordom answered. “Send over the bording party. ” he ordered. “Sending now. ” sybok said. 
A transporter beam emerged.  The landing party all armed with phaser or disruptor rifles quickly moved out. 

The team used a kind of canister that administers a non lethal gass.the canister scans for targets.it wont release the gass until it detects a combatent. 

A team of klingon marines headed for the bording party.  The mobile canisters ran for the marines.  The klingon fired on the canisters. It did not accomplish anything. The canisters exploded. The klingon were all knocked out. 

Ston ordered the team to keep advancing. They ran and ran. A nearby klingon marine fired his disruptor. Ston fired. He conrinued to fire. The marine fell to the ground. The team did not stop. They kept moving. 

The team neared the weapons locker. A vulcan female named sorel tried to get inside the locker. She was an expert at technology and breaching though secuity system.  Klingons loved to feel sicure. They believed they were invincible.  They knew they were not so they overcompensated by being beyond parinoid. Sudenly the door opened.

The team rushed in. There weapons were at the ready. One of Zarcan’s folowers, a female named zera tried to get into a vault.

“Morw sucurity codes?” zera said. Sorel took control of the situation.sorel quickly ganed acess to the lockers.  They raided every weapon they could get there hands on. 

Zorak went over to a vault with the klingon lable for bio toxens. “No! We fight fairly.we do not use bio ,chemical or weapons of mass destruction. We fight within rules if war. “Stone said.”there are no rules in war. There is one rule. You must win ” zorak said.

Ston tried to stop him from entering the bio weapon vault. “No! I did not agree to using dirty weapons. Conventional warfare. Both sybok and i are clear on that. “Ston said. 

“I do not recoznize your authority over me. I answer to sovereign Zarcan and he alone.  ” zorak declared. He opened the vault and took the bio weapons. 



“Excellently!  We have most of the weapons .the klingon fleet will be hear soon. We have to get out of hear. “Sybok said. “I want every last weaoon this ship has. From a supernova generator to a kitchen fork i want them. The only key to victory is overwhelming force.  ” Zarcan said. 

“We have it. If we never leave klingon space, this revolution of yours will never happen.” sybok said.”revolution no. This is restoration.surek was wrong. Logic is not the answer. The universe is chaos. It is wild uncontroled untamed. We must conquer the universe. We must outsmart the universe. To do it we must be unpredictable and more chaotic. ” Zarcan said.

“The weapons are loaded.  The team has returned. ” t’pring reported. “Good. Xon set the coordinants.do not engage until i give the order. “Zarcan ordered.  “Understood. ” the pilot acknowledged.  

“Zordol,target that base. Eliminate them. “Zarcan ordered. “This is not necessary.  They have been cripled!” sybok said. “My authority will not be questoned.sybok do not forget who i am. Zordol!” Zarcan ordered. 

The weapons officer fired on the station.the reactor took several indirect hits. The impact was close enough to cause a cascade of explosions. Several aditional hits caused the station to explode.

Before this all occured, khas anticipated that this might be the plan. He and keraga got into e.v.a suits. They got off the ships. They used the rokets packs. They made it out. The shick wave and use of the rocket packs render the rockets useless. They were traped until the fleet arived or there oxygen ran out.


“We are clear.  ” xon reported. ” engage course pilot.”zarcan ordered.the pilot agreed. The ship headed out.   

“Sybok! You recognize that i am emperor of the new vulcan order?”zarcan asked. “Of course. You are zarcan the great. “Sybok said. “A king cannot be questoned.  Humana refer it to a devine right of kings. I am the soveregn leader of all vulcans? Am i not?” he asked.”yes yes! Without a doubt. You are the undisputed ruller of all vulcans! ” sybok said. “My orders will not be questoned.  I owe you a great debt of gratutude. You found me revived me. Gave me ships folowers a plan. I am greatfull. Your past help only gives you so much leaway. You have much privledges.do not think i will tolerate discent ! I do not. There will only be one supreme leader of vulcans. ” Zarcan said.” undrstood!” sybok said.

New vulcan 

“Welcome back to new vulcan ambassador sarek!” sovel said. “Thank you. It is agreeable to be back on our new home world. ” sarek said. ” how are things on earth?” sovel asked. “Things are quiet.  Sense section 31 was disolved.humanity seams back on the tract embarked on by such men as zefren cocren,lyman eler,Jeremy greyson,Jonathan archer ,nathen samuals, thomas vandrtbelt and others. ” sarek said.

“How are the cambera korolas doing?” soval asked. “They were eliminated from the playofs i am afriad.” sarek said. “There is always next year i supose.” sovel said. “Indeed.” sarek said. 

“I wish that ambassador spock was stil among us.” sovel said. “I agree. I do feel his absence.  I got the impresson that he the sarek of his time line never achieved peace between them. I regret that. I may never underatand spock i can see his unique contribution to the galaxy and to vulcan race.  It is a bit disconcerting that my counterpart did not come to that realization.” sarek said. “Perhaps he did. It is regrettable that ambassador Spock was unaware of it if it did occur. ” sovel said.

“Sybok i do not understand him.i asked the older Spock about the sybok of his time.  He was reluctant to discus it. I get the impreson that They came to an understanding but at a high price. ” sarek said. 

U.s.s frontier 


Captain burgele entered. “Captain on the bridge.  ” an officer said.”as you were. “Warren said. The bridge crew went back to what they had been doing.  

“Captain i have an incoming mesege from admiral robert april it is pre recorded. ” com officer Audrey palmer reported. “On maibe viwer Audrey.  ” warren ordered.the com tech transfered the mesege.on the screen the stars and blackness of space was replaced by the image of the star fleet at his office at sanfrancisco. 

“Monitor post near the klingon border have uncovered an incident at what star fleet intelligence believes in a weapons reserch station. The station was raided and destoyed. The Klingons deny such an incident ever took place. They have always denied the reserch station as well. It is a badly kept secreet. This is not the first raid that has occured in the last few weeks. Several reserch post known to be producing experimental weapons belonging to the romulons,tholien and others. A paturn is emerging.  I want you to head for the border. Do not cross. Be on the look out. I am sending you a new first officer. She is on route.  We will keep in touch.star fleet out. ” the admiral said. 

“A new first officer ? i thought i was stil in the runing to replace ramerez.  “Steve said.”so did i!” the captain said. 

Later on. 

“We have imcoming. Feferation registered vessel. Registered vessel.  Listed as s.s lovecraft. “Ilisia said. “She says her name is sarah burgelle. She is in star fleet but on inactive satis. ” palmer said. 

“Oh my! Of all the people bob april could have sent. ” waren said. “I take it you know her?” c.m.o mark piper asked. “I do. ” he said. 

“Vessel is on bored. ” ilisia reported.”Audrey have someone escort to the bridge. “Warren said.”your not going down there yourself? “Plamer asked. “No i dont think its necessary.  “He said.

He was not ready to see her again. He would. Have to soon. 

End of part two 

Legend of zarcan 

New vulcan 

Five years after the destruction of vulcan by nero. 

When the nerada was burowing though the planet, the vulcan government tried to upload as much from thr archives as they could. Most of the archives were back up on memory alpha but some of it was not. A lot of the information had not been shifted though yet. 

A vulcan in a robe entered.  “I am far away. I wish to view the archives! ” the hooded man said. “Folow me!” the clerek said.

The visitor followed the clerek into the archives. The clerek got him into the archives central computor. The visitor wated for the clerek to move away. 

The visitor wanted privacy. He was doing things that he did not want the clerek to see. He was carefull. He did not want to arose suspicion.  

He was skiled with technology.  He knew how to get around a computor terminal. He got right to work. He was able to hack into thr archives. He got to files that were off limits to most but senior clereks. He knew how to get pass the secuity system. After going though several computor archives, he saw what he was looking for. He activated it. 

“It was called the age of zarcon. Before the reforms of surek,vulcan was governed by mind lords. Tribal leaders who used there mind and influence to rule reigions of the planet. With infigting between various factions, and the advancements of technology, vulcan seamed destwned to choas.” the comoutor vioce said.

“150 years before surek,one of the mind lords saught to unite vulcan.not in peace but by the sword. ” 

In the archive,a masive army was assembled. This army was all loyal to one man. The army perpared to move on. The vulcans had also asembled a fleet of ships. 

“Zarcon son of zerfat. Zarcon was the son of a mind lord. He took over the family and became mind lord upon his farthers death. He joined with other tribal leaders and became a regonal power. ” 

“At first many tribal leaders embraced zarcon. As zarcon and his folowers desended futher ,many war lords wilingly terned over there land to zarcon. He became a regonal king. He consolidated his power and created one cohesive army.”.

“Nearby war lords fearing the influence of zarcon banded together to opose him. A huge battle near the plains of zorbad resulted in a huge victory for zarcan. ” 

“Zarcan became ruller of vulcan. At first his power was undisputed. He became very impulsive. He waged war on anyone who oposed him. Using telipathic weapons he suceeded. He even taunted the andorians. ”

“Peace of zarcan did not last long. Masive insurections broke out. It became all out war. The weapons got more and more deadly. This included nuclear weapons. None of the factions had any qaums about using weapons of mass destruction.any weapons including biological or chemical were able to be used and were. Vulcan were on the brink of destruction. ”

“Then surek taught non violence,limiting the use of telipathic abilities and logic and non emotion. Surek’s influence grew. Zarcan ruled on fear. Surek was able to circumvent his power. Zarcon was forced to flea. Rurmors were he esaped from vulcan and went elsewhere.”

“Some beleve he was killed on vulcan. Some beleve he died on romulous. Some beve he died in exile. His fate is not known” the comoutor said.

The clerek turned around. He had been doing other things. “Sir! This file is off limits. How did you get in there?” the clerek asked. 

The hooded man went for the clerek.the clerek tried to fight back.the man was knocked out. Th hooded man used the famious vulcan nerve pinch. The man uplouded various datta into a smal device. Finaly the upload was complete.he then purged the files. The entire archive deeling with zarcan was erased. The hooded man removed the hood of his tunic. He was a vulcan.he pulled out his communicator and fliped it open.

“Sybok! This is ston, i have the data. ” he said. “Good work . stand by for transport. ” the superior said. The man was beemed up.

On a secret ship, the commander looked over the data ston obtaned. “Now we fulfil our destiny. Helm set course for the prosser nebula.” sybok ordered.the pilot set the course.  The ship was off. 

Prosser nebula 

The area was remote.  It was not near any major power or miner ones.there were habited planet. All of them were pre warp some even pre industerial. It was the petfect hiding spot. 

“Now entering the nebula.” t’pring reported. “All stop! ” sybok ordered.  “We are now at all stop.” the helm officer xon reported. “Begin the scan!” sybok ordered.

T’pring had been a leading mind of vulcan. Though young she was considered to be a future leadibg scientific mind thoughout vulcan society. She attended the vulcan science academy and joined the faculty staf. Then the destruction of vulcan by nero. It changed her.

She would never considered abandoning the philosophy of surek.when she met sybok she decided to hear him out. She chose to join him. She rejected surek’s philosophy.  She embraced emotion.  She joined sybok. 

She continued the scan. She did deep scan. Then after extensive scans she found something. “I have something!  Sending coordinates to the helm. ” she said. “I have it.” xon said. “Take us there!” sybok ordered.

The vessel headed deeper into the nubula. Using a repulser beam three vessels are pulled out. “Sybok the vesels style and configuration confirn totaly to ships used during the time of surek. ” tpring said.

Sybok smiled and laughed. The crew on the bridge claped and cheered. The crew all smiled.

Sybok led the away team. He put stone im charge of the ship. They beemed down to the ships. 

“Sir! ” a vulcan said.sybok came over. “Look. Its zarcan!” he said.”he did survive. ” tpring said. “I hoped he had. “Sybok said. 

Zarcan was revived. The situation was explaned to him. He was not pleased with the situation. He already had an idea. 

End of part one. 

Sybok was the older son of sarek with a wife before amanda. He apeared in star trwk five played by lawerence lukinbin. The inclusion of star trek five in the st canon had ben called into question.  I believe that jj abrams has said that sybok is a canon character. 

Tpring was espoused to Spock in amock time but wantef ston.

Xon was a character created for phase two. He never apeared in a series except for the fan series phase two. 


How to date a Vulcan. 

Humans met a an alien in 2061. It was the vulcans. The vulcans were aliens in every sense of the word.  They could not be any different from us. They are capable of emotions but do not practice it. They have to discipline themselves to not exersize it. 

Vulcan and humans had a rocky word at first. Vulcans looked down on us humans. We saw them as intergalactic prudes. At first vulcans wanted to limit human activity into deep space. The vulcans tried to slow down. Men’s TREK into space. Finally after almost twenty years,mankind went into space. 

Despite the differences,man kind and vulcans did cooperate. They both became key members of the united federation of planets. The strange bound between the two races grew.

While human Vulcan relationship seemed unlikely and even problematic, they did happen. The most famous was the marriage of Vulcan ambassador sarek and his wife Amanda greyson. There is also the mariege of Dr. T’pan head of the Vulcan science acedemy who is married to doctor Raymond Christopher. 

Wouldn’t such a union be illogical. Why would a logical! Vulcan want to be united to a emonal irrational whimsical Vulcan? Is it true that opposites attrat? Why do these relationships develop?  

Why am I?Max Dean, A Star fleet officer be interested in dating and then marying a Vulcan? Well I will get to that. First lets discus how to meet a Vulcan. 

How to meet a Vulcan

Standard pick up lines don’t work. Not that they work well with humans. They don’t work as well with vulcans. Vulcans usually get anoyed. It usually has the opposite effect. 

Cadet max deen was walking around the campus. He liked the acedemy grounds. He took it all in. He was walking around. He was carefully not to disturb bothbys plants. He saw a young lady. She had long black hair. She was not waring a Star fleet cadet unifrom.she wore a black dress. He figure that she was either off dirty or a civilian.he found her quite attractive. 

He went over to her. “Come to this planet often?”he asked she turned around. Her hair covered her ears but she was clearly a Vulcan. ” I grew up on Vulcan but I have been. To earth quite frequently. Currently I am a cadet so yes I do come hear often. “She said. “I see! Well excuse me!”he said.

He started to walk off. She stoped him. He as really embarrised.It was an assasinine thing to say to anyone but even more so now. He feared that he was about to set back human Vulcan relations two hundred years. “Were you employing a human romantic tactic known as a pickup line?”she asked. 

I was really embarissed. I was not sure how to get out of this one. He was not sure how to procede. He did not like to lie.  I was not sure if i could wiggle my way out of this. I took a breath and decided to procede.  

“Yes i gues it was a pick up line.”he conceded. “That was what i suspected.  ” she said. “This was all a mistake.i said. I was hoping to get out of there as soon as he could. She was not alowing that to occur. 

“What was your intention?” she asked. “I am not entirety sure. I gues i acted out of impulse. ” he told her. If i was not sure why she continued to engage her. Try as he might,he could not get away. 

“You find me attractive? “She aaked. If i was not nervous before ,i really was now. “Well yes i do. I know that seams illogical to vulcans.it seams ilogical to manny humans. ” i remarked. 

“I see. Do you always  answer inquries with caviets?”she asked. “Not always. Often when i am nervous. “I reaplied. “Are you nervous? “She asked.  “Yes i am a bit. Your not exactly catching me at my best!”he said. “There is no need to be in a sate of agitation. You are among friends. ” she said.

“I will keep that in mind.  I said “please do. ” she responded. I figured i would not wee her again.  It was a large campus with a large student body. Right now i was not sure that i was wanted to see her again. I hoped she would forget this whole encounter.  If she was like most vulcans, she probability had a photographic memory.  She probably had a full trtranscrip of  this entire terrible conversation.  Preserved for her entire life. 

“Look i thought you were a teran. Most vulcans female ware there short. “I commented.  “Your no longer interested in me romantically now that you know that i am a vulcan?” she asjed.

If i did not know better,i would have suspected that she was enjoying this. 

“Well i was not certain before. I was  curious.  I suspected that that was a posibility . i wanted to explore that posibility. ” i told her.

“You are no longer interested. In me as a potential mate?” she asked. “No i stil am!” i said. “You are not open to a romantic relationship with a vulcan? ” she asjed.

I had no idea how to answer this one. If i answered yes. She might go into a diatribe on why human-vulcan coupling is ilogical. She might add that i was irrational and ilogical for even sugesting such a union.if i said no she might ask ne why not.  Either way,i was backed into a corner. That might have been her intention.  I suspected that it was. 

“Yes i would be open to a romantic relationship!” he said. I hoped that that was the right answer. 

 “As would i? Are you available tomorrow morning for cofee?” she asked. “Absolutely! “I said. “I am residing at sato hall. Please meet ne there promotly at 0730. Please do not be late!” she insisted.  “I wont. ” he said. “I am agreable to flowers.  I am found of lilacs.  ” she informed me. .

This was perhaps the weirdest first meeting i have ever had. That day i wanted it over.  Now it is a found memory.  This vulcan would one day be my wife. 

End of part one. 

How to date a Vulcan. 

Humans met a an alien in 2061. It was the vulcans. The vulcans were aliens in every sense of the word.  They could not be any different from us. They are capable of emotions but do not practice it. They have to discipline themselves to not exersize it. 

Vulcan and humans had a rocky word at first. Vulcans looked down on us humans. We saw them as intergalactic prudes. At first vulcans wanted to limit human activity into deep space. The vulcans tried to slow down. Men’s TREK into space. Finally after almost twenty years,mankind went into space. 

Despite the differences,man kind and vulcans did cooperate. They both became key members of the united federation of planets. The strange bound between the two races grew.

While human Vulcan relationship seemed unlikely and even problematic, they did happen. The most famous was the marriage of Vulcan ambassador sarek and his wife Amanda greyson. There is also the mariege of Dr. T’pan head of the Vulcan science acedemy who is married to doctor Raymond Christopher. 

Wouldn’t such a union be illogical. Why would a logical! Vulcan want to be united to a emonal irrational whimsical Vulcan? Is it true that opposites attrat? Why do these relationships develop?  

Why am I?Max Dean, A Star fleet officer be interested in dating and then marying a Vulcan? Well I will get to that. First lets discus how to meet a Vulcan. 

How to meet a Vulcan

Standard pick up lines don’t work. Not that they work well with humans. They don’t work as well with vulcans. Vulcans usually get anoyed. It usually has the opposite effect. 

Cadet max deen was walking around the campus. He liked the acedemy grounds. He took it all in. He was walking around. He was carefully not to disturb bothbys plants. He saw a young lady. She had long black hair. She was not waring a Star fleet cadet unifrom.she wore a black dress. He figure that she was either off dirty or a civilian.he found her quite attractive. 

He went over to her. “Come to this planet often?”he asked she turned around. Her hair covered her ears but she was clearly a Vulcan. ” I grew up on Vulcan but I have been. To earth quite frequently. Currently I am a cadet so yes I do come hear often. “She said. “I see! Well excuse me!”he said.

He started to walk off. She stoped him. He as really embarrised.It was an assasinine thing to say to anyone but even more so now. He feared that he was about to set back human Vulcan relations two hundred years. “Were you employing a human romantic tactic known as a pickup line?”she asked. 

He was really embarissed. He was not sure how to get out of this one.