Tag Archives: startrek franchise

The quizmaster part five 

U.s.s Columbus 


The Columbus was a scientific research vessel. The misson of the Columbus was to investigate am alien conduet technology. A gateway.this conduet was discovered before the quizmaster began his reign of terror. Now that it as learned that the quizmaster was using this gateway,it was a bigger priority. 

“Are you certain that the network is the same as the one used by pirate known as the quizmaster?”spock who was temporarily in command of the Columbus asked.”yes sir I am.it is the same design .The component are very similar.”science officer beach reported.”I agree.”of arex reported.

“I suspect that the conduet network was left behind by an ancient race.perhaps a trade route of some kind.”spock commented.”it stands to reason that the aliens who built the network are gone. This could be a legacy of a forgotten race.” Beach remarked. 

“How did the quizmaster learn about this? “Lt. Herold asked.”the legends are well-known on alien world’s. It is similar to by an mythology.” Arex said.” Many myths have roots in reality. They are usually just fanciful exaduations. “Spock said.

“If the network is interconnected,could it lead us to the quizmaster?” Harold asked.” I believe it could lautanent. I suggest we get on it.” Spock said.the crew agreed. They got right to work. 


Commadore Robert Wesley had subdued the bolien who tried to kill him.he got access to a device that could lead a clue into all this. He ran as fast as he could. He worked hard to get to the shartle.although he was in his early fifties,he was still fit. He worked hard to stay in shape. Although his wife enjoyed teasing him,he succeeded. 

He preferred not to land the shartle so far away,he feared that the forces loyal to the quizmaster might capture it or destroy it. He did not want to to be stranded hear. Right now as the long as the craft was in fact.he had a fighting chance.that was all that mattered. 

The planet Risa was non aligned world.to aliens it was known as an intergalactic resort planet.A pree federation starship Enterprise visited the planet during there first year in deep space. The federation had some diplomatic contact with rissa.some believed rises would one day become a federation member . The planet was frequented by people of less then repute including the Orion syndicate. There is some conservative elements inside the federation that had objection to the planet on moral grounds. for now it was an independent world. To Wesley it was a dangerous one. 

Wesley kept on running. He hoped to get to the shartle soon. He needed to get that device to the Lexington. The sooner it could be analyzed perhaps the sooner they could work to stop the quizmaster. 

He came upon a group of aliens. He tried to act natural.were they simply guest or were they alies of the quizmaster?  The commadore tried to keep moving. They saw what he was up to. They walked closer to him.”going somewhere?”the lead alien said.”actually I am. Last I checked this is a free planet?”the commadore remarked. ” I have always believed that might makes right!”the alien said. “You believe you have the might?,”the commadore remarked.”everything I see Indicates that I do. ” The lead alien asked. 

Wesley hit the lead alien. He pushed the alien into the crowd. He ran on. They fired on him. He fired back. He wished that the shartle has its own transporter but it did not. He ran as fast as he could. His survival instinct kicked in. He kept on going. 

He fired his phaser. He stunned one of the aliens. He stunned another one.he kept on fireing. He had to dodge a series of fire. Wesley suspected that these were just petty thugs.he was pretty sure that they were just being a pain and were not aligned with the quizmaster. He stunned another and another. It just left the lead.

He power drive the lead thug. The two wrestled . Wesley knocked him out. Then he stunned him.he took there weapons.he tied them up. Then he moved on and continued to walk to the craft. He knew that this was only going to get harder from hear. The quizmaster was going to get more desperate and more determined. Wesley decided to be more refined and more determined. He was going to be strong.he was going to outwit and outlast the quizmaster and his ilk. 

Wesley may be older but he was not going to be outdone by the likes of the quizmaster. Not now not ever.he was an old dog but the old tricks still worked.he was not going anywhere. The quizmaster would be stopped. The commadore would make sure of that. 

Quizmaster ‘s ship

“Is the commadore in custody?”the quizmaster asked.”not yet!” The lead henchman said.”make sure it happened. The commadore must be taken out of the way. His continued presence threatens my entire plans. I want him eliminated figurtivley or literally.i do not care witch!”the quizmaster said. “I will communicate that to our people sir.” Durona said.”good!See that you do!” The quizmaster said. 

The quizmaster found himself viewing weary of this human captain named Wesley. He  believed that the crippling of the federation was essential for his plan to work. Without the collapse of the federation the plan would fail.despite the objection,he went after the federation. Then with the federation out of the way he could further into his plan for the future. He believed all he had to do was endure this phase. Then he could do what he really wanted to do. He would. 

The crew knew that he was annoyed. They knew that they would be on a short leash until Wesley was defeated. They got to work. They were nervous. The quizmaster was iretible. He was prone to mood swings. He was usualy unstable any ways but especially now. He was really unpredictable now. They knew to get results and fast. Before he became really upset.no one wanted that. 

U.s.s defient


“Sir! U.ss royal sovereign was destroyed.it was ambushed. They were taken out by talons. Captian Saunders and the crew got to escape pods.casulties were light. ” The com officer reported.”dawn it. They are getting more and more bold” captian blare said.”they think they are wining!”the first officer said.” I know they do but they are not.  I assure you.”the captian said.”you think Wesley is OK?”the first officer asked.”Bob can think on his feet.in will take more then this quizmaster to bring hi down.”blare said.


Bob wesly neared the shartle. He saw a group of Orion’s.they were not hear the shartle. They were close enough.he suspected that they were not involved in the plot. On this planet those who were not for you were proagainst you one way or another. He had to get pass them. One way or another he would . 

Wesley quiet ly walked towards the shartle. He knew how to walk in a clendestine manner.he knew how to be stealtfully. He had his phaser ready. He was preparing to go to the shartle. He hoped he could make it there and fast. He ran to the craft.

He ran into the craft.he ran to the pilots chair. The craft lifted off. One of the thugs loyal to the quizmaster took out a service to space mistle lucher.it fired a projectile in the direction of the shartle. Wesley veered away. The craft just missed the mistle.the mistake exploded. The craft did take some of the debate but came though it largely unscafed. The shartle made it to open space. He knew it was. It over. Not by a long schot. He was still in the game. That was something. Wesley believd he would make it the rest of the way. 

The startle headed for the lexingron.it would take a whilethe startle did not have warp.wesley went at maximum impulse.

End of part five.